
we actually become something greater as we go through life

9/2: we played sports with a bunch of other missionaries. A member of the church from Mountain Home got us dinner at Tucanos which was great 9/3: Elder Nelson woke up sick. A member called and told us how we had "P day then Poo day". Since I didnt want to sit around all day me and one of the missionaries that lives with us went out. We had a good study/talk about how our heart needs to be in the right place as we follow Christ. It's useless just going through the motions. We volunteered at the Idaho Youth Ranch, then gave a lady a blessing.  9/4: Nothing crazy, just studied in the bible with one man we're teaching 9/5: After studying we got into our minivan and Elder Nelson tried turning the key and it wouldn't turn in the ignition. He tried a couple times and then I tried once and we were good to go. We helped a man move a bunch of rocks with buckets. Then that evening we helped a family move stuff from a storage shed.  9/6: Had a Council with so...

Blessings at Chic Fil A

Hey everyone, heres the highlights of this week: *Went to Featherville and hung out in a cabin that some members own and rent out so that was fun. We also visited a giant Crater North of Mountain home too which was fun  *Had a council in Boise, got food from my friends in Boise from the food bank which was nice. Spent 24 hours with another missionary and we had some good visits with people  *Went to chic fil a and i prayed someone would pay for our lunch and sure enough a man i know in Boise showed up right after and helped us all out  *We helped a friend out by putting in fence poles which was fun Nothing too crazy this week, time is sure flying! Keep following Christ everyone

"We need to put that he lives deep in our bones"-Elder Andersen

What a week. Heres highlights: *we finally got one guy at our weekly Book of Mormon class we started so thats a start *a Spanish speaking missionary stayed with us for 2 days so that was fun *we stayed super busy for about 2 days straight helping the Spanish speaking Elders move in all their furniture into our place and still managed to teach in between that *ate dinner at the haunted house with the couple there and we talked about repentance. On another day they let us explore there old basement too *had our interviews with our mission President which was good *played some basketball with some people and the special needs group *went to Meridian as a whole mission and we heard Elder Anderson (one of the 12 Apostles) speak. He spoke on how God cares about our personal lives, mentioned Matthew 10:29-30, even the hairs on our head our numbered. Also talked about how as far as Christ goes we need to put that "he lives into our bones". Got pictures ne...

Romans 14:19

*Played volleyball with an exercise ball with some other missionaries back on Monday which was fun *Had a conference in Boise with a bunch of other missionaries,  took some good notes from our mission President. One good thing he said was "if we can't think of a reason to do missionary, then at least we can trust in the Lord" *Had a meeting with a man from one of our wards and after we had a meeting he was looking at me and said "whats sports did you play in high school because you're jacked!" It's been funny on the mission to here stuff like that because if you had seen me 3 years ago you'd never guess anyone would say that haha *I've been thinking about going into physical therapy after the mission and so of course Monday night we ate dinner with a physical therapist, Tuesday we ate with another one, and Wednesday after dinner we ran into one at a youth activity.  *Went to Meridian to a presentation on temples. We went to a cla...

"Finite vessels cannot contain the infinite blessings and love of our savior"

What a week.  Tuesday we visited the temple, the temple is a pretty amazing place because the Holy Spirit can be very strong there. I thought a lot about the Plan that God has for us to be able to return to him again. We went with the Spanish missionaries to the Eureka caves which was fun. That evening we taught a man about repentance.  Wednesday we had a good Council with other missionaries and Elder Nelson shared a good quote  "Finite vessels cannot contain the infinite blessings and love of our savior".  That afternoon we talked about the book of Romans and talked a lot about how we are saved by Christs grace, but his grace is also what helps us to become more christlike through repentance, baptism, and endurance.  Thursday was good, the spirit prompted us to go to a house that has some Ghost issues so we went there and the lady there told us how in their office room a nasty odor would be there (from a spirit) and then she had the Book of Mormon we gave...

Week 72

Monday we went up to Boise and we played sports and hung out with a bunch of other missionaries. Stayed the night with my cousin Elder Baker and his companion. Had Chic Fil A for dinner. Also saw the guy that died and came back again.  Then Tuesday Elder Nelson went to a meeting and I stayed with Elder Bakers companion and we helped move a lot of furniture and had Chic Fil A for lunch. We also had a car swap with some missionaries so now we drive a white minivan. We got back to Boise and we met with a friend of ours and taught him about what happens after we die.  Wednesday we had a meeting in Boise with other missionaries. Then we looked for ways to help a man we know with getting some food since he didnt even have enough to eat for dinner. One lady we saw just turned around and filled up a whole box of food for the guy we were helping out.  Thursday we set a baptismal date for a truck driver were teaching. Then a member drove us to Bruneau and Grandview (2 small t...

Boise trip, Baptism, Crackpipe

Monday we sang hymns with some sister missionaries, then we played minigolf at the airbase. We also walked around stuff thats been painted in the alleys of Mountain Home to get cool pictures. Then we were headed to Boise but we stopped at a gas station. Before we left Elder Bethers said he felt like we shouldnt leave the gas station yet. So we prayed and we sat there, then Elder Bethers found out I forgot to close the gas cap on the car after putting gas in. Then we drove 20 feet and Elder Bethers again felt like we shouldn't go to our zone leaders house in Boise yet. So then we had a spiritual prompting to see a friend in Boise and we found out later why. We had a spiritual experience that evening. Then we spent the night with some other missionaries since we had to be in Boise for Elder Bethers to leave.  Tuesday morning we had chic fil a and we said goodbye to Elder Bethers and Lawrence. Love both those guys. So I was with a temporary companion. Then we had a baptismal inte...