we actually become something greater as we go through life

9/2: we played sports with a bunch of other missionaries. A member of the church from Mountain Home got us dinner at Tucanos which was great

9/3: Elder Nelson woke up sick. A member called and told us how we had "P day then Poo day". Since I didnt want to sit around all day me and one of the missionaries that lives with us went out. We had a good study/talk about how our heart needs to be in the right place as we follow Christ. It's useless just going through the motions. We volunteered at the Idaho Youth Ranch, then gave a lady a blessing. 

9/4: Nothing crazy, just studied in the bible with one man we're teaching

9/5: After studying we got into our minivan and Elder Nelson tried turning the key and it wouldn't turn in the ignition. He tried a couple times and then I tried once and we were good to go. We helped a man move a bunch of rocks with buckets. Then that evening we helped a family move stuff from a storage shed. 

9/6: Had a Council with some other missionaries at some older missionaries house and they fed us leftover breakfast they had from the air force base. Then we had yet another good discussion about having our heart in the things we do so were not just wasting time on our mission and we actually become something greater as we go through life. That afternoon we met with a guy and he asked very deep questions and we pondered on some things but nothing we would really need to know in this life that would be useful. Then we played basketball with the special needs group. Gave a blessing to a man who was going through health issues. Then we went to a church BBQ and we tried this sauce called Death Nectar. At first we played it off like it wasn't hot, then once we walked into the church building we had to run to the water fountain. 

9/7: We went to Mountain Homes local air force parade, we passed out water bottles and cards with our number on it. Got free lunch there too. I actually ended up having 6 meals that day since we got fed so much. Had a dinner with a mother, her friend, her boyfriend, and her daughter, and 2 other missionaries and we did an object lesson about Christ and got the daughter wants to be baptized. We dropped off some food to our buddy that doesn't have much and a homeless kid which made them happy. And in return a kid bought us tacos last night. 

9/8: Went to church. Listened to talks about endurance (staying faithful, consistently repenting,  daily prayer and scripture study). Went to a homecoming of another missionary which was cool, got even more food

Well heres a scripture for you guys , Proverbs 28:13. It simply states when we try to cover our sins from God then nothing good happens, but when we come to our Father through Christ we can be forgiven. Have a great week!


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