Boise trip, Baptism, Crackpipe

Monday we sang hymns with some sister missionaries, then we played minigolf at the airbase. We also walked around stuff thats been painted in the alleys of Mountain Home to get cool pictures. Then we were headed to Boise but we stopped at a gas station. Before we left Elder Bethers said he felt like we shouldnt leave the gas station yet. So we prayed and we sat there, then Elder Bethers found out I forgot to close the gas cap on the car after putting gas in. Then we drove 20 feet and Elder Bethers again felt like we shouldn't go to our zone leaders house in Boise yet. So then we had a spiritual prompting to see a friend in Boise and we found out later why. We had a spiritual experience that evening. Then we spent the night with some other missionaries since we had to be in Boise for Elder Bethers to leave. 

Tuesday morning we had chic fil a and we said goodbye to Elder Bethers and Lawrence. Love both those guys. So I was with a temporary companion. Then we had a baptismal interview with a lady I had actually found a few months ago in North Boise. She told us how she wanted to be baptized in 2 days, just before that her missionaries told us she was getting baptized in 2 weeks. Then that night we ate BBQ chicken with some of my friends whom I havent seen in months that I met about a year ago. 

Wednesday we got our backs adjusted by the same guy thats done it for me for free like 3 times already. A friend of mine from bought us Costco for lunch which was great. We cleaned up my temporary companions apartment and he packed. That night another guy we know in Boise bought us Jersey Mikes for dinner. 

Thursday we had our transfers, that morning we picked up some stuff from the lady I used to live with that we call "Grandma". She was crying that morning since she wont have missionaries anymore so we said goodbye, it was sad. Then I said goodbye to my temporary companion and then got another one. We went to McDonald's for 2nd breakfast and I got a free egg mcmuffin. Then we went to the mission office to check something, there was also about 6 other missionaries there and we all started to talk to eachother. Then we all decided to go eat Idaho Pizza Company for lunch together. It was interesting because we all went to eat and then we realized the lady we interviewed wanted her baptism that day. The Holy Spirit let us know that we needed to go to that baptism an hour early to check on things. So all 8 of us stayed together and we went to the church building and sure enough nothing was planned out for the baptism. So in one hour all 8 of us prepared everything and we got it done and it was a great baptism. Usually baptisms are planned out a week in advance so it was wild. If the 8 of us hadn't stayed together we wouldnt have been able to do it since each of us had a part to play in it. Then after that we went to Meridian and I met my new companion whos from California, his names Elder Nelson and hes pretty cool. Then we drove back to Mountain Home and we took the Spanish Elders with us. 

Friday we visited people all day. We saw our friend that night and he told us how hes wanted in Oregon because he was framed for stealing a hotel towel so a lady could steal his dying wifes oxycotin. 

Saturday we saw many more people, visited a couple and read in the Book of Mormon with them and gave the man a blessing. We passed out about 4 Book of Mormons to different people. We also had a very deep philosophical conversation with a man too. 

Sunday we went to church in Grandview. Then we came back to Mountain Home and had a visit with a family whos son wants to be baptized. Their son is on the autistic spectrum so it was interesting but good. Then we saw our excon friend and we read the Book of Mormon with him and he told us he wants to be baptized. He also told us a few weeks ago his friend had left his crackpipe on his couch and we had sat on it without even noticing. Also one thing I forgot to mention is last week I had fasted all morning that this man would find a good source of income since he had been struggling for months to find work with his record. Then that night we ate dinner with a man who was telling us how he just needs a man that will work hard for him. So that was cool. Usually my emails arent this long but I thought Id throw in more details. Love you all, stay safe out there! 

Deuteronomy 32:4: "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he"


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