Romans 14:19
*Played volleyball with an exercise ball with some other missionaries back on Monday which was fun
*Had a conference in Boise with a bunch of other missionaries, took some good notes from our mission President. One good thing he said was "if we can't think of a reason to do missionary, then at least we can trust in the Lord"
*Had a meeting with a man from one of our wards and after we had a meeting he was looking at me and said "whats sports did you play in high school because you're jacked!" It's been funny on the mission to here stuff like that because if you had seen me 3 years ago you'd never guess anyone would say that haha
*I've been thinking about going into physical therapy after the mission and so of course Monday night we ate dinner with a physical therapist, Tuesday we ate with another one, and Wednesday after dinner we ran into one at a youth activity.
*Went to Meridian to a presentation on temples. We went to a class with a professor telling us about Temples today and the doctrine in the Old Testament and New Testament about it and before that I had taken one too many allergy pills so I was interested in it but I was fighting to not pass out too. Then we walked around a temple replica from Moses's day. That night we went to a haunted house and the couple there told us how they have a basement with a well thats closed off like the movie "The Ring"
*Caught a cold from Elder Nelson but we took some Nyquil the other night and slept for 12 hours which is probably the longest time ive slept in a while so that was nice
One of the many scriptures I highlighted and liked this past week was Romans 14:19: "Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another". Have a good week!
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