Week 72
Monday we went up to Boise and we played sports and hung out with a bunch of other missionaries. Stayed the night with my cousin Elder Baker and his companion. Had Chic Fil A for dinner. Also saw the guy that died and came back again.
Then Tuesday Elder Nelson went to a meeting and I stayed with Elder Bakers companion and we helped move a lot of furniture and had Chic Fil A for lunch. We also had a car swap with some missionaries so now we drive a white minivan. We got back to Boise and we met with a friend of ours and taught him about what happens after we die.
Wednesday we had a meeting in Boise with other missionaries. Then we looked for ways to help a man we know with getting some food since he didnt even have enough to eat for dinner. One lady we saw just turned around and filled up a whole box of food for the guy we were helping out.
Thursday we set a baptismal date for a truck driver were teaching. Then a member drove us to Bruneau and Grandview (2 small towns) and we tried visiting some people. We spaced an appointment we had set up with a family and the husband texted and told us he didnt want us coming over anymore because we are a "sandy foundation". But oh well we're all human.
Friday we biked a lot, visited a our friend we teach that wasn't doing well at all. We gave him a blessing and after that he was doing amazing.
Saturday we ate lunch with the Spanish missionaries, then we ate another lunch with another guy that likes to have very deep philosophical conversations. We went to a park and a homeless man came over and wanted the Bishops number to get a place for him and his girlfriend to stay.
Sunday we bore our testimonys at church, our friend got up for his first time and bore his testimony. He figured if I had enough courage to do it then he did. Little does he know I bear my testimony every month haha. Later that day we taught a 9 year old about Heavenly Father.
Pretty great week, no complaints out here. Its not anywhere near ss hot as AZ so everyone here is complaining but Im loving the heat. Have a good week everyone!
Then Tuesday Elder Nelson went to a meeting and I stayed with Elder Bakers companion and we helped move a lot of furniture and had Chic Fil A for lunch. We also had a car swap with some missionaries so now we drive a white minivan. We got back to Boise and we met with a friend of ours and taught him about what happens after we die.
Wednesday we had a meeting in Boise with other missionaries. Then we looked for ways to help a man we know with getting some food since he didnt even have enough to eat for dinner. One lady we saw just turned around and filled up a whole box of food for the guy we were helping out.
Thursday we set a baptismal date for a truck driver were teaching. Then a member drove us to Bruneau and Grandview (2 small towns) and we tried visiting some people. We spaced an appointment we had set up with a family and the husband texted and told us he didnt want us coming over anymore because we are a "sandy foundation". But oh well we're all human.
Friday we biked a lot, visited a our friend we teach that wasn't doing well at all. We gave him a blessing and after that he was doing amazing.
Saturday we ate lunch with the Spanish missionaries, then we ate another lunch with another guy that likes to have very deep philosophical conversations. We went to a park and a homeless man came over and wanted the Bishops number to get a place for him and his girlfriend to stay.
Sunday we bore our testimonys at church, our friend got up for his first time and bore his testimony. He figured if I had enough courage to do it then he did. Little does he know I bear my testimony every month haha. Later that day we taught a 9 year old about Heavenly Father.
Pretty great week, no complaints out here. Its not anywhere near ss hot as AZ so everyone here is complaining but Im loving the heat. Have a good week everyone!
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