"We need to put that he lives deep in our bones"-Elder Andersen
What a week. Heres highlights:
*we finally got one guy at our weekly Book of Mormon class we started so thats a start
*a Spanish speaking missionary stayed with us for 2 days so that was fun
*we stayed super busy for about 2 days straight helping the Spanish speaking Elders move in all their furniture into our place and still managed to teach in between that
*ate dinner at the haunted house with the couple there and we talked about repentance. On another day they let us explore there old basement too
*had our interviews with our mission President which was good
*played some basketball with some people and the special needs group
*went to Meridian as a whole mission and we heard Elder Anderson (one of the 12 Apostles) speak. He spoke on how God cares about our personal lives, mentioned Matthew 10:29-30, even the hairs on our head our numbered. Also talked about how as far as Christ goes we need to put that "he lives into our bones". Got pictures next to the Meridian temple too
*One day a friend of mine told me she didnt feel worthy enough to be able to go to heaven. Heck I feel like that almost daily sometimes. But in church yesterday we sang "There is a Green Hill Far Away" and I liked this line: "there was no other good enough to pay the price of sin. He only could unlock the gate of heaven and let us in"
Nothing too crazy this week, God bless you all!
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