
Showing posts from July, 2019

Boise trip, Baptism, Crackpipe

Monday we sang hymns with some sister missionaries, then we played minigolf at the airbase. We also walked around stuff thats been painted in the alleys of Mountain Home to get cool pictures. Then we were headed to Boise but we stopped at a gas station. Before we left Elder Bethers said he felt like we shouldnt leave the gas station yet. So we prayed and we sat there, then Elder Bethers found out I forgot to close the gas cap on the car after putting gas in. Then we drove 20 feet and Elder Bethers again felt like we shouldn't go to our zone leaders house in Boise yet. So then we had a spiritual prompting to see a friend in Boise and we found out later why. We had a spiritual experience that evening. Then we spent the night with some other missionaries since we had to be in Boise for Elder Bethers to leave.  Tuesday morning we had chic fil a and we said goodbye to Elder Bethers and Lawrence. Love both those guys. So I was with a temporary companion. Then we had a baptismal inte...

Featherville, Chased by dog, Elephant Tusk

Its been a great week!  Transfer news came in, Im staying in Mountain Home and will be getting a new companion.  Elder Bethers received his 2nd mission call and is going to serve in the Denver South Colorado mission. Hes definitely one of my favorite companions and a close friend of mine. He'll be missed.  Last Monday was super fun, a bunch of us missionaries went to Featherville Idaho to a cabin owned by some members who let us hang out in it. We BBQd and played basketball, and went on a hike and enjoyed the scenery.  Tuesday was when Elder Bethers opened his call in Boise, we got to see some Elders uo there and I visited Grandma (lady i lived with in Boise).  Wednesday we had apartment inspections and Elder Bethers pooped in a toilet and forgot to flush so they made sure we know we have to flush toilets. That night we met with a guy we teach and read the Book of Mormon and the spirit was pretty strong. He said he was feeling "tingly" again. He also to...

From your favorite tall missionary

Me and Elder Bethers had another great week together.  Met a family who has a daughter that wants to be baptized but only wanted Sister missionaries.  One of our friends we teach has been struggling and so we visited him and hes been in and out of prison his whole life but hes trying his best to be a saint. We gave him a blessing and he told us how he felt so "tingly" and he told us he had never calmed down so quick in his whole life.  We found a spiders nest inside my bench press (we were wondering why spiders seemed to love our workout room) and we lit it on fire.  Had a good meeting with some other missionaries Wednesday, we had been busy all day before the meeting and never had time to prepare much for it so a Sister missionary told me how im inconsiderate and that me, my companion, and 2 other missionaries needed to step it up. But we were patient and let it slide.  We interviewed a girl for baptism in Hammett Idaho which was cool. Some small town...

"Im just mesmerised by your muscles!"

Had another great week her ein Mountain Home! *explored the Eureka caves with some other missionaries *played basketball with a bunch of people, scored a buzzer beater (i can barely run and dribble so i was prettt proud) *on the 4th we had exchanges with our ZLs and we had tons of laughter, it was awesome. We also had a good BBQ that night *met a couple who wants to be baptized but just needs to come to church *we gave a man with psoriasis a blessing to help him get to church since he doesn't sleep well *we ate dinner with and older woman who was staring at my arms and she asked if I lift weights and said "Im just mesmerised by your muscles!" Haha. *moved gravel for that same woman the next morning and we put it all around her house for her Have a great week!

Dogs, Grandview, Haunted House

Its been quite an adventure with Elder Bethers, we've been having tons of fun and getting work done.  Tuesday we did service at the Idaho Youth Ranch and since we werendressed up in ties and white shirts they let us dress up in whatever clothes we wanted so of course we had to go all out. Grabbed a shirt that says "Shake It Baby". Got to play some baseball with the special needs group since they were low on players.  Wednesday we had a great council on obedience to the Lords commandments and mission rules. Had a great lesson about Christ with a guy that wants to get baptized. Then we taught another man at a park who told us how he used to have this million dollar stamp and how he made an invention that he sold to the FBI and that hes also a great grandson of Joseph Smith. Sprayed weeds for a random lady we met. We were trying to visit someone in this one house and they had 2 big dogs and a medium size dog all barking and growling at us and we almost decided not to go ...