Featherville, Chased by dog, Elephant Tusk

Its been a great week! 
Transfer news came in, Im staying in Mountain Home and will be getting a new companion. 

Elder Bethers received his 2nd mission call and is going to serve in the Denver South Colorado mission. Hes definitely one of my favorite companions and a close friend of mine. He'll be missed. 

Last Monday was super fun, a bunch of us missionaries went to Featherville Idaho to a cabin owned by some members who let us hang out in it. We BBQd and played basketball, and went on a hike and enjoyed the scenery. 

Tuesday was when Elder Bethers opened his call in Boise, we got to see some Elders uo there and I visited Grandma (lady i lived with in Boise). 

Wednesday we had apartment inspections and Elder Bethers pooped in a toilet and forgot to flush so they made sure we know we have to flush toilets. That night we met with a guy we teach and read the Book of Mormon and the spirit was pretty strong. He said he was feeling "tingly" again. He also told us how once he stole an ivory elephant tusk from a zoo for $80k then was caught and served time. 

Thursday we went to Grandview. We helped a man dig a trench so another man could have running water. Then we gave the guy we helped a Book of Mormon and he said he will definitely read it because he likes to stay open minded. Then we visited some people, we got to one guys house and usually I dont fear dogs at all. So we walk up to this porch and at first the dog didnt do anything, then the second I put my foot on the porch the dog got up and started chasing us with his teeth out so we ran faster then we have in a while, thank goodness he was on a chain. The dog owner was laughing so hard, then he let us come in and see him. 

Friday we studied, played basketball with a special needs group, visited people in evening. 

Saturday we went to a middle school to help with then set up a playground. We helped paint the basketball court lines. Then we visited a bunch of people. The spirit led us to a woman we have never been able to catch which was great. Then we went to a ward BBQ and we ate a bunch, met new people, and played volleyball. 

One of the main guys we're working with told us how after 24 missionaries we were able to deliver the spirit to him and he knows the church is true now. 

Sunday we had church and both me and Elder Bethers spoke about Faith and Building Testimonys. We also gave a man a blessing, met with a recovering heroin addict, then Elder Bethers packed his stuff for the MTC and I packed for my few day stay in Boise. 

So its been a awesome time serving the Lord and people of Mountain Home! Keep fighting the good fight everyone! Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.


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