
Showing posts from June, 2019

Mountain Home

So much has happened and will be happening lately. Sadly President Bartlett leaves Friday and we get a new mission President, July 1st our mission merges with Nampas, and I left Boise (Maple Grove Street) for the first time in 14 months. Im now in a small city called Mountain Home and its been a good time. My new companion is Elder Bethers from Utah, were like day 1 homies and we've been together for 4 days now. Heres some highlights of the week: *studied in the bible with a man and had a good talk about the book of James *found a man who wanted us to come back and teach him, so we came back few days later and while we were teaching him he started snorting all his chewing tobacco which was strange. Then he started talking about a DUI he got and i saw a citation on his table and i asked if that was what he got and he said "oh no, that one was for pissing in public" haha. He wa salso drinking and at the end of the lesson we asked "Did you feel the spirit?...

Old lady retrieval

Hey everybody, heres the highlights of the week: *one evening we had 2 people to go see and enough time to pick one to go to. The Holy Ghost told us to go to one of them so we started going and we met a older disoriented lady with a cart full of her belongings. She had been praying for someone to help her and we had showed up. We then helped her find her home and her roommates were just about to call the police since she had been gone 5 hours. Then we gave all her roommates Book of Mormons *we were biking and the Holy Ghost told us to go down a certain street to get home. Since we had gone that certain street a couple i once taught were driving by and saw me so we stopped and talked real quick, great to see them. Then we found a man who accepted a Book of Mormon and wants us to come back *we went to a trailer park and met a lady who told us shes a member of our church and had been recently wondering if she should come back to the church so she thought it was cool we stopped ...

Right place at the right time

Had many adventures this week, heres the highlights: *went to the old pen for my 3rd time monday, that evening we also visited a man who we went too on accident because someone at the door recently told us they werent interested, but we forgot about it and then they actually let us in and we gave a man from the Ukraine a Book of Mormon and and gave another man a blessing, that same man also told us hes been wanting to come back to church *visited a lady who has been struggling because her husband passed away and we shared our testimonies of the afterlife with her and she said what we said was exactly what she needed to hear *had our zone Conference (big meeting) and saw some Elders I know before they go home, our mission President shared his testimony also *we had exchanges and a newer missionary was with me for the day and we went to an appointment but they were sick, so we felt prompted to go to a certain part of our area. So we went there and we were there about 3 min...

From your favorite tall missionary

It was a great week, always full of adventures! We had our last interview with our Mission President, he is a great man and example. There was man who was struggling with drugs at our Book of Mormon class and a couple there started demanding he be given a blessing which wasnt good, but then he decided he wanted one anyways. A lady who was dying of cancer was baptized about a week ago and her cancer is now gone, some other missionaries told us this, quite a miracle. We taught our friend from Rwanda and he lived everything we taught and said he will probably be baptized as he learns more and gets closer to Christ. Theres a man that sells vegetables under a tent near us and we, and many others, helped him move this huge tent. Thats the highlights from this week, something Ive noticed is my relationship with my Savior has grown a lot recently and it's been amazing to see how faith in him works. He truly is the Good Shepherd, love you all, keep following the Savior, he says in Doc...