Old lady retrieval

Hey everybody, heres the highlights of the week:

*one evening we had 2 people to go see and enough time to pick one to go to. The Holy Ghost told us to go to one of them so we started going and we met a older disoriented lady with a cart full of her belongings. She had been praying for someone to help her and we had showed up. We then helped her find her home and her roommates were just about to call the police since she had been gone 5 hours. Then we gave all her roommates Book of Mormons

*we were biking and the Holy Ghost told us to go down a certain street to get home. Since we had gone that certain street a couple i once taught were driving by and saw me so we stopped and talked real quick, great to see them. Then we found a man who accepted a Book of Mormon and wants us to come back

*we went to a trailer park and met a lady who told us shes a member of our church and had been recently wondering if she should come back to the church so she thought it was cool we stopped by

*went to a mans house whom we wanted to check up on and his roommate told us how she used to be taught by missionaries but is now Buddhist. We taught her about the life before this one, our life, and the next life and she told us how she knew what we said is true and she knew that the Book of Mormon is true. But she told us she would rather not commit to anything and just stay buddhist even though she knows its not true. 

The mission is full of interesting experiences, Ive learned a lot from all of them. Its been amazing to see that through our trials we can be stronger when we practice our faith in Christ. Have a great day everyone!


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