Right place at the right time

Had many adventures this week, heres the highlights:

*went to the old pen for my 3rd time monday, that evening we also visited a man who we went too on accident because someone at the door recently told us they werent interested, but we forgot about it and then they actually let us in and we gave a man from the Ukraine a Book of Mormon and and gave another man a blessing, that same man also told us hes been wanting to come back to church

*visited a lady who has been struggling because her husband passed away and we shared our testimonies of the afterlife with her and she said what we said was exactly what she needed to hear

*had our zone Conference (big meeting) and saw some Elders I know before they go home, our mission President shared his testimony also

*we had exchanges and a newer missionary was with me for the day and we went to an appointment but they were sick, so we felt prompted to go to a certain part of our area. So we went there and we were there about 3 minutes and we saw a couple and the lady was crying. She told us her mother had just died, we started talking to her and she told us she was gonna check herself into a hospital because she felt like she couldnt do much more. We explained what a blessing was and let us give her one. The change was like night and day, she was super happy and we gave her a Book of Mormon and she was excited. She also told us how we had come at the exact right time and they were only in Boise for 2 days

*the spirit told us to walk to Garden city on Sunday so thats what we did and we went to a trailer park and found a couple that missionaries used to talk to and gave them a Book of Mormon. Then we saw 2 people we've been trying to see, then we saw another guy who had just gotten out of jail yesterday and we gave him a Book of Mormon too and he said we can come back and teach him

As God directs us and we listen I know we will be in the right place at the right time! 


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