Mountain Home
So much has happened and will be happening lately. Sadly President Bartlett leaves Friday and we get a new mission President, July 1st our mission merges with Nampas, and I left Boise (Maple Grove Street) for the first time in 14 months.
Im now in a small city called Mountain Home and its been a good time. My new companion is Elder Bethers from Utah, were like day 1 homies and we've been together for 4 days now.
Heres some highlights of the week:
Im now in a small city called Mountain Home and its been a good time. My new companion is Elder Bethers from Utah, were like day 1 homies and we've been together for 4 days now.
Heres some highlights of the week:
*studied in the bible with a man and had a good talk about the book of James
*found a man who wanted us to come back and teach him, so we came back few days later and while we were teaching him he started snorting all his chewing tobacco which was strange. Then he started talking about a DUI he got and i saw a citation on his table and i asked if that was what he got and he said "oh no, that one was for pissing in public" haha. He wa salso drinking and at the end of the lesson we asked "Did you feel the spirit?" and he was like "hmm no not really"
*in one day we went to the hospital 3 times because a family wanted us to give a blessing to their mother whos on the verge of dying.She kept sleeping every time we showed up. But they finally calle dus today so we were able to give a blessing
*shot some hoops with a group of special needs people
*got a free mcchicken from mcdonalds
*we were looking for a man and we couldnt find him but we saw a guy in a truck and the spirit told us to talk to him and it was the guy we were looking for and he told us he would like to be baptized
Well it was a great week, love you all, something I learned from a friend is part of humility is finding the balance of focusing on ourselves and others. "Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself" Matthew 22:39
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