From your favorite tall missionary

It was a great week, always full of adventures!
We had our last interview with our Mission President, he is a great man and example.
There was man who was struggling with drugs at our Book of Mormon class and a couple there started demanding he be given a blessing which wasnt good, but then he decided he wanted one anyways.
A lady who was dying of cancer was baptized about a week ago and her cancer is now gone, some other missionaries told us this, quite a miracle.
We taught our friend from Rwanda and he lived everything we taught and said he will probably be baptized as he learns more and gets closer to Christ.
Theres a man that sells vegetables under a tent near us and we, and many others, helped him move this huge tent.

Thats the highlights from this week, something Ive noticed is my relationship with my Savior has grown a lot recently and it's been amazing to see how faith in him works. He truly is the Good Shepherd, love you all, keep following the Savior, he says in Doctrine & Covenants 6:36: "Look unto me in every thought, doubt not, fear not"


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