
Showing posts from March, 2019

Weekly email from your favorite Missionary

This week was good! We stayed pretty productive and had a good time  Tuesday: did some spring cleaning and got our place nice looking for our house inspections. We were talking to people on the street and this one guy talked to us for a good 10 seconds then he said "sorry guys gotta go" and he started walking away, we looked back a bit later and he disappeared.  Wednesday: had inspections, we filed papers at the food bank, passed out food at the food bank. We always gey hooked up with food from there which is really nice. Then we helped a lady move stuff to a DI. A random chiropractor we met gave me a back adjustment which was nice. We visited people that night with some members in a trailer park and one guy came up to us and at first he looked like he was going to fight, but then he told us how he wanted to meet with us.  Thursday: planned for the week. Elder Morgan interviewed a japanese man for baptism while i hung out with some other missionaries. Then a m...

Flat earth theorist

It was great week this week! Got lots done and met many different types of people. Always an adventure out here Tuesday: walked a lot, it started pouring on us, gave a lady a blessing while she was in a medical indused coma. The Holy Ghost was suoer strong during that. Then after that a member drove us around and we visuted a family and now were gonna start teaching their daughter.  Wednesday: on our way to the food bank a guy came up to us and started telling us how he had served a mission but after the mission him and his parents got into an argument and then he left the church. He said hes been getting weird feelings he needs to come back, then he said after he had felt the weird feeling he saw us walking down the street. Ate some good ribs that night too. We taught the guy we teach from Columbia about what happens after death that night with the help of a spanish speaking return Missionary.  Thursday: planned for the week, had our interviews with our mission pr...

"you can come in but it doesn't mean im coming back to church"

Monday: we drove around in a old chevy with some members, it was pretty sweet. Then that evening we had a lesson with a couple that sre coming back to church and ate pizza. After that we went to a guy we teach who is columbian and is learning english and with a translator we put him on date to be baptized. Tuesday: we had a big meeting with a bunch of other missionaries, it was good just long. We had a good disscussion with a family that night that wanted to learn more about the church. Talked about many different gospel things.  Wednesday: we worked at the food bank and we got more free food which is awesome. We went to dinner with a family that had their son kidnapped while he was a Missionary in russia several years ago. We visited some people and we went to an Elderly ladys house who opened the door and said "you can come in but it doesn't mean im coming back to church". We told her we werent gonna make her come back to church. So then we sat down and she told...

Dont trust me with an oven

Well another week has flown by, it was great!  Monday we played frisbee golf with other missionaries and I accidentally threw a frisbee into a creek so we went searching. Then that night we got del taco bought for us and then we shared a good video called "Choose The Light" with the people that got us food.  Tuesday we shot some hoops for our exercise. We walked around a bunch and passed out a Book of Mormon. Talked to a preacher and we realized we had both read the same chaoter in Acts that morning. We visited an older lady who is losing her memory, she told me about 5 times about her life and kept asking where we were from. We met and also are gonna start teaching her daughter.  Wednesday I had a steak I wanted to cook, so I decided to broil it. I also put some oil on the pan so it wouldbt stick. Then I sat down and studied. After a bit I look up and the pan was on fire, so I took the flaming pan outside and left it out there to cool off. I also set off the smoke ...