Dont trust me with an oven

Well another week has flown by, it was great! 

Monday we played frisbee golf with other missionaries and I accidentally threw a frisbee into a creek so we went searching. Then that night we got del taco bought for us and then we shared a good video called "Choose The Light" with the people that got us food. 

Tuesday we shot some hoops for our exercise. We walked around a bunch and passed out a Book of Mormon. Talked to a preacher and we realized we had both read the same chaoter in Acts that morning. We visited an older lady who is losing her memory, she told me about 5 times about her life and kept asking where we were from. We met and also are gonna start teaching her daughter. 

Wednesday I had a steak I wanted to cook, so I decided to broil it. I also put some oil on the pan so it wouldbt stick. Then I sat down and studied. After a bit I look up and the pan was on fire, so I took the flaming pan outside and left it out there to cool off. I also set off the smoke detector and I put a pan out of commission. Also I learned you cant put grease in a sink or else it will clog. I probably will grill the steak next time. After all that we went to a meeting for 2 hours. Then that night we split up and went with people in the ward to visit people and we drove around garden city. 

Thursday we planned stuff, walked around and found 2 more people to teach. Then we went to our weekly Book of Mormon class we hold and a bunch of people came, a girl I know from Amity also showed up with her friend that we almost started teaching in Amity, so that was cool. 

Friday I spent the day with another Missionary named Elder Delapp. We started the day with a meeting with other missionaries in our area, then we walked several miles around Elder Delapps area and talked to people. Met a member of the church who fought Muhammad Ali. 

Saturday we ripped out some of Grandmas carpet that her cat peed on. Then we got subway for lunch. Then we biked a ton and visited some people, found more people we can come visit. Then that night we played some basketball with some members. 

Sunday we got about 4 people to church which was great. We had a huge dinner then we had a lesson about prayer with someone after that. 

Today were gonna play some sports with other missionaries and might go check out some classic cars, 

to all everyone that reads this (my friends that are not members of the church especially) Ive been studying Joseph Smith more lately and I can really truly say he was a prophet of God with more and more confidence. Was he perfect? Nope, not even close. But nonetheless he translated the Book of Mormon by the gift of God and man my life has been blessed by it. The joy and peace in my life has been immense now. Life has definitely been harder in a way because its hard to follow commandments in this crazy world. But I know that void we all have can be filled forever (we can do it temporarily with what the world has to offer) by the Holy Ghost, and we get that from being baptized and following the commandments. I've seen this to be a fact in my life now. 

Love all of you, keep praying and following our loving Heavenly Father everyone. Lifes tough, but if we do our best, God will do the rest!


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