
Showing posts from July, 2018

Mailboxes and missionaries

Was a pretty great week out here! Elder Morris has been learning lots, its been very fun being able to train him so far, he is a great missionary and never fails to make me laugh Monday-We played baseball for our district activity which was fun, Elder Morris managed to rip both his pant legs haha. Then we made visits and taught a recent convert Tuesday-The zone leaders taught me some good things, we went and helped out our boy Big Red, planned a bunch, then we went to teach a man who we just realized remembers nothing (he asks the same exact questions every time we see him and hardly  remembers our names) but on our way there Elder Morris hit a mailbox and landed on the concrete. But he toughed it out until an hour later we realized he needed help. So we were able to offer him a blessing then get a ride to urgent care. We just found out today that he is ok and got his splint and sling removed.  Wednesday-Led my first district council, it went pretty well, i had half...

From being trained to...Training!

This week has been wild, one of the busiest weeks Ive had so far. So usually you get trained then then you get a time to wait for a little, then you may have the opportunity to train later in the mission. What happens to your boy Elder Jensen? I get to train a great man named Elder Morris (a 2 transfer missionary) he is awesome and learns quick. I hope to help him towards a 2 year mission! The lord and the president have also made me a district leader which means I just help out a few other missionaries in their areas.  M Tuesday-Made lots of visits, a guy gave us a free bike frame, a kid gave me free dress shoes, got pictures with a cool member, (since it was the week where we may get transferred I got pictures with people just in case, but i didnt switch areas) then we got our transfer calls... my old companion and trainer left off to Burley Wednesday-made some more visits, my companion said his good byes, and we studied and i helped him pack Thursday-Thursday was i...

Honk! If you have to . . .

Great week this week! Nothing too crazy happened this week, transfer calls (when we have the possibility of being moved to different areas) happens tomorrow which is exciting, hopefully I stay in my area because the people here are awesome Monday-We got together as a district and me and Elder Thompson made a sweet mini golf course, then we visited a man who was amazed we showed up because he needed someone to give his mother a blessing which was awesome Tuesday-Taught a family that morning about being children of our heavenly father, met Joseph Smiths little brother's  (William Smith)  descendant  which was interesting, helped out a man move furniture, then we made more visits Wednesday-Helped out a guy take down his wooden fence, then we helped a family move a huge mattress and bed pieces, had a few appointments fall through Thursday-Did service at the idaho youth ranch then we were driving around with a member and he randomly said "I have to poop...reall...

Teaching, service, and 4th of July in Boise!!

Great week this week, just like it always is out here. You learn more and more when you spend your days helping and talking to many different types of people. The mission has been quite a great experience for me so far, definitely cant believe ive been out for over 3 months already, crazy! Monday-Went to a buffet place that has all different types of meat called Tucanos. We went in with faith we would get paid for and we did haha. We and our zone leaders ate a couple pounds of chicken, beef, steak and pineapple. Then we talked to a new move in to the area in his garage, and invited him to church, then we helped out some members send referrals.  Tuesday-We taught a less active mother and son. They explained to us they felt dissconnected from God, so we taught them about the importance of praying and reading the bible and book of mormon and how thats really the #1 way we can feel connected. Then we visited the man we baptized a few weeks ago. Later we taught a family who is tr...

Week 13

Great week as always out here! Missionary life is the best life! Monday: We taught a less active family, then We taught a man along with having a church member with us who is the member that has been on the other side and back, then the guy we were teaching has also had a experience similar so that was interesting.  Tuesday: Raked up some leaves for our boy Big Red, read a bunch of the updated Preach My Gospel handbook, taught a recent convert, visited some more people, we had dinner with a great family and we gave the father a priesthood blessing. We had a few people fall through and Elder Thompson bike pedal fell of for maybe the 5th or 6th time. We have a person we taught who looks up these big complex anti-Mormon questions which we can answer but its annoying since she didn't exercise faith in Christ to help her.  Wednesday: Had district council, then we taught a man and had a great discussion, had some bomb dinner at a Mongolian BBQ, then taught 2 more people ...