Mailboxes and missionaries
Was a pretty great week out here! Elder Morris has been learning lots, its been very fun being able to train him so far, he is a great missionary and never fails to make me laugh
Monday-We played baseball for our district activity which was fun, Elder Morris managed to rip both his pant legs haha. Then we made visits and taught a recent convert
Tuesday-The zone leaders taught me some good things, we went and helped out our boy Big Red, planned a bunch, then we went to teach a man who we just realized remembers nothing (he asks the same exact questions every time we see him and hardly remembers our names) but on our way there Elder Morris hit a mailbox and landed on the concrete. But he toughed it out until an hour later we realized he needed help. So we were able to offer him a blessing then get a ride to urgent care. We just found out today that he is ok and got his splint and sling removed.
Wednesday-Led my first district council, it went pretty well, i had half of an idea of what to do but its all good. With Elder Morris's cast we are on foot again and we have been since Tuesday. So we walked a few miles to our appointment but he wasnt there. Then we made visits with a member, then we got some dominos and ate pizza while we studied, then taught 2 people who are getting close to baptism. One of our people we teach (and ive known her since i got here) moved to Nampa. Then we taught the guy with no memory.
Thursday-We did planning for our week, did service, studied, had a good dinner, then we visited another family, then another family, then made more visits with a member who drove us, then we visited some elderly women to check up on them.
Friday-we walked a few miles to our service and back, then we studied, then we helped a lady we used to teach clean out her house, then we ate a good dinner with an older couple, then I interviewed a man for baptism the next day, then we visited another family and Elder Morris was able to testify to them about many things. The spirit was felt really strong.
Saturday-we had exchanges and me and Elder Baker were together for the day. Alot of smoke from the wildfires moved in too and its been all around ever since in the air out here. Then we went to a stake activity and talked to many people. Then we made more visits with a member and hlped plant for an older couple, then we taught another family, then we went to a baptism in our district then we re exchanged.
Sunday-Yesterday was awesome! We were able to find more people to teach for this week, lots of our people we teach showed up, talked to lots of members. We made more visits, helped Elder Morris memorize more important gospel things, then we taught a family during dinner, then another family, then another family, then another one. The last one was amazing. The spirit was felt very strong and he may be baptized here soon. We were all crying/laughing from being so joyful.
It was a awesome week and yesterday topped it off! Being a missionary is one of the most happiest things ive been able to do. Ive never been this joyful in my whole life until this past year. Here some pics...replacing my bike frame to a free one we were given...found a viking head thing...
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