Honk! If you have to . . .
Great week this week! Nothing too crazy happened this week, transfer calls (when we have the possibility of being moved to different areas) happens tomorrow which is exciting, hopefully I stay in my area because the people here are awesome
Monday-We got together as a district and me and Elder Thompson made a sweet mini golf course, then we visited a man who was amazed we showed up because he needed someone to give his mother a blessing which was awesome
Tuesday-Taught a family that morning about being children of our heavenly father, met Joseph Smiths little brother's (William Smith) descendant which was interesting, helped out a man move furniture, then we made more visits
Wednesday-Helped out a guy take down his wooden fence, then we helped a family move a huge mattress and bed pieces, had a few appointments fall through
Thursday-Did service at the idaho youth ranch then we were driving around with a member and he randomly said "I have to poop...really bad" and we were like what the heck and we realized he was looking at a license plate haha, made some good fettuchini alfredo for dinner, made some more visits, we wre visitng an older couple and as we were talking the husband goes "whoa hold on look at the window, its raining!" the sky was cloudless and his wife was like "no honey its just the sprinkler". Poor guy.
Friday-Did service at international refugee center and we moved around tons of boxes and cabinets, visited lots of different families and had dinner with our bishop.
Saturday-I finished my 12 week training program which is super nice, had a good meeting with our ward mission leader, we taught another new person we have been trying to teach which is always good
Sunday-Had lots of church, listened to some people recite "peace in christ" which is a really good song, we taught a family about the Book of Mormon, visited another man, then visited another family
Its a pretty joyful time out here, there is really nothing like being out here to serve and to represent our savior. Its definitely a unique experience, in only 3 months I have definitely been able to grow and develop more out here, it truly is amazing how we all have the opportunity to be closer and closer to our Heavenly Father.
Heres a picture of a goat peeping at us and the fettuchini alfredo, and our golf course
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