Week 13

Great week as always out here! Missionary life is the best life!

Monday: We taught a less active family, then We taught a man along with having a church member with us who is the member that has been on the other side and back, then the guy we were teaching has also had a experience similar so that was interesting. 

Tuesday: Raked up some leaves for our boy Big Red, read a bunch of the updated Preach My Gospel handbook, taught a recent convert, visited some more people, we had dinner with a great family and we gave the father a priesthood blessing. We had a few people fall through and Elder Thompson bike pedal fell of for maybe the 5th or 6th time. We have a person we taught who looks up these big complex anti-Mormon questions which we can answer but its annoying since she didn't exercise faith in Christ to help her. 

Wednesday: Had district council, then we taught a man and had a great discussion, had some bomb dinner at a Mongolian BBQ, then taught 2 more people who are soon to be married and are gonna be baptized, then scheduled more appointments, and shared messages with more members who are less active

Thursday: Had 2 people we were teaching drop us which is too bad for them, did service and sorted lots of shoes, then we went with our ward mission leader and made more visits to people we are teaching and a less active couple. Shared lots of the book of Ether that day to many people. 

Friday: Gave out donations to lots of refugees Friday morning, had interviews with our mission president, then we went to dinner with a very interesting couple. Its a very old man and a lady and they get along in a weird way. So this man was telling us how we should come over and cook steaks with him so Elder Thompson said "we will have to plan it sometime" and the man looked at Elder Thompson and got upset and said "what do you mean off the planet?" I was laughing so hard but he couldn't even hear me laughing. He was also saying every person who looks like a confused refugee he sees at grocery stores hes gonna go and tell them "welcome to america" haha. Then he let us lay down in his coffins he makes. 

Saturday: We helped wrap up coffins for the same guy we had dinner with, I was trying hard not to laugh with all the weird stuff he says the whole time. A member then drove us around and we visited referrals given to us by our wards, later we had a good discussion with another refugee who had lots of great questions and is very excited about Jesus. 

Sunday: Had a whole refugee family of people we teach and visit show up which was good, had lots of meetings, and talked to many members, and found more people to teach. We sat in a meeting and everyone was snoring and sleeping it was pretty funny. Then we made some visits and had great success with helping some people with their problems prior to being baptized. Then last night we found 2 more people to teach

Well nothing too crazy happened this week, just busy teaching. Its been cool to see how prayers are truly answered and how we can all feel the influence of the holy ghost. I know I wouldn't be out here spending 2 years if I didn't personally come to realization that this is all true, people always come to us trying to stump us and tell how us how crazy we are, truth is we are crazy haha. Our message sounds nuts, Joseph Smith seeing god can sound like a fairy tale. But theres only one way to know that Christs church is here. We must read the book of mormon, humbly and faithfully pray and ask if it is true, and God will tell us. Its been amazing to see this change lives! God bless you all!

From Elder Jensen


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