
Showing posts from February, 2019

Hit and run with my bike

It was a great week this week, still getting used to the new area. Tuesday we visited the old penitentiary in downtown Boise. Then after that we visited a family that doesn't make it to church too often and had some good chili. Wednesday morning Elder Norgan wanted to sell his G-Shock watch, and the closest store is in London and we needed to fix something so we talked to a lady in London for a bit. Then we did service at a food bank with a Reverend and his wife. Then we biked to garden city and got muddy from all the snow slush and I ran into a guy with my bike because my one brake was all wet. But the guy barely noticed somehow. Then I shoveled snow for the first time, we shoveled the driveway where we live.  That night we visited a woman who served in Afghanistan. Thursday I got boots that fit me. We also shoveled the driveway yet again. That night we shared a good message with a family that really brought in the spirit. Friday we had a council with our district, then biked ...

North Boise, Grandmas basement, aliens in disguise

Great week! It was full of different things.  Tuesday we did service at idaho youth ranch and sorted clothes. Then a member drove us to big bun and got us lunch. Then we did some family history work. Then we taught a lady about how to quit smoking. Then we met a family who had just moved in and started teaching them and we had a great disscussion with them Tuesday. Then we got our transfer calls. Sadly I had to leave my good old pal Elder Parker. But now I'm with Elder Morgan whos originally from Ukraine which is pretty cool.  Wednesday was full of goodbyes, and a member bought us tacobell. We also had a good lesson with a girl whos getting baptized next month. I said goodbye to a good friend of mine whom Ive fasted and prayed for that he would reach out to the bishop for help with some things and he finally did it...after 6 months! So right after we left the bishop came to his house. Hard work pays off! Wednesday night we couldnt sleep, and I got a cold too.  We go...

Subway, olive garden, blizzard

Great week this week, ate lots.  Tuesday we did service at a thrift store then a man we see every now and then took us to subway. We also gave him a blessing for an injury he has. We called some people and got some people referred to us. Then we visited some people and met a high school friend of the singer Nicki Minaj which was interesting. Then we got a foot detox.  Wednesday we went to a man we teachs house but he wasnt there, then we studied then ate at olive garden. Then we taught a girl about Repentance, then we taught a kid about the Restoration of the Gospel at a frozen yogurt place. Then we taught a family about attending church.  Thursday we planned, then one of our good buddies took us to Olive garden for lunch again. We visited some people then had a good dinner. Then we saw more people and knocked on a frat houses door, replaced a bike tire, then BSU student took us home.  Friday we had a good meeting with other missionaries, then we ate mexican ...

From the Favorite Missionary

Just got done at a trampoline park and dunpster diving for a ring I accidentally threw away.  Was a good week this week. We met with a family at another familys house and talked about the Word of Wisdom Tuesday night (keeping our bodys healthy and all the good stuff).  Wednesday Elder Parker had a stomach bug so we didnt do much for half the day. Then we had a good lesson with a girl we teach. Then we went to a dinner and met another guy we can start teaching.  Thursday we planned for the week then a member took us to subway. Then we tried more people.  Friday we had a big conference with many missionaries, we also heard a great quote about our Savior: "he came to pay a debt he didnt owe, because we owed a debt we couldn't pay". Then after the meeting we had dinner and met a disabled veteran who is looking for his spirituality and peace in his life. Then we visited a man Ive been seeing since Ive been to this area and he finally decided to reach out for ...