Hit and run with my bike
It was a great week this week, still getting used to the new area. Tuesday we visited the old penitentiary in downtown Boise. Then after that we visited a family that doesn't make it to church too often and had some good chili. Wednesday morning Elder Norgan wanted to sell his G-Shock watch, and the closest store is in London and we needed to fix something so we talked to a lady in London for a bit. Then we did service at a food bank with a Reverend and his wife. Then we biked to garden city and got muddy from all the snow slush and I ran into a guy with my bike because my one brake was all wet. But the guy barely noticed somehow. Then I shoveled snow for the first time, we shoveled the driveway where we live. That night we visited a woman who served in Afghanistan. Thursday I got boots that fit me. We also shoveled the driveway yet again. That night we shared a good message with a family that really brought in the spirit. Friday we had a council with our district, then biked ...