Hit and run with my bike

It was a great week this week, still getting used to the new area.

Tuesday we visited the old penitentiary in downtown Boise. Then after that we visited a family that doesn't make it to church too often and had some good chili.

Wednesday morning Elder Norgan wanted to sell his G-Shock watch, and the closest store is in London and we needed to fix something so we talked to a lady in London for a bit. Then we did service at a food bank with a Reverend and his wife. Then we biked to garden city and got muddy from all the snow slush and I ran into a guy with my bike because my one brake was all wet. But the guy barely noticed somehow. Then I shoveled snow for the first time, we shoveled the driveway where we live.  That night we visited a woman who served in Afghanistan.

Thursday I got boots that fit me. We also shoveled the driveway yet again. That night we shared a good message with a family that really brought in the spirit.

Friday we had a council with our district, then biked to Garden city to go see a lady that said we could come back but she wasnt there, so we biked back to Boise and got super dirty. So I jumped in the pile of snow we made the day before. Had a good dinner message with some people, then everyone else cancelled on us.

Saturday a guy weve been trying to teach told us his family would disown him if he got baptized. After that we helped some people set up the church for a potato derby (racing potatoes instead of pinewood derby cars, its an Idaho thing). Then that evening we went to the potato derby and i made a potato car and made it to finals, but got 3rd.

Sunday me and Elder Morgan gave some good talks in one of the wards we cover, and 2 people we teach attended church. After that we walked around and tried some people. This morning we visited some seminary students and asked which of their friends they would like to invite to seminary which was cool. Well thats all I got for everyone, nothing too wild this week.

But I do know without a shadow of a doubt that our Savior, Jesus Christ lives. You cant easily describe a witness of the Holy Ghost, but for me it ia overwhelming sense of peace, love, and a clarity of thought that is very very pure, straight outta heaven. Love all of you, keep uo the oositive vibes and attitude!


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