Subway, olive garden, blizzard

Great week this week, ate lots. 

Tuesday we did service at a thrift store then a man we see every now and then took us to subway. We also gave him a blessing for an injury he has. We called some people and got some people referred to us. Then we visited some people and met a high school friend of the singer Nicki Minaj which was interesting. Then we got a foot detox. 

Wednesday we went to a man we teachs house but he wasnt there, then we studied then ate at olive garden. Then we taught a girl about Repentance, then we taught a kid about the Restoration of the Gospel at a frozen yogurt place. Then we taught a family about attending church. 

Thursday we planned, then one of our good buddies took us to Olive garden for lunch again. We visited some people then had a good dinner. Then we saw more people and knocked on a frat houses door, replaced a bike tire, then BSU student took us home. 

Friday we had a good meeting with other missionaries, then we ate mexican food, then we biked around with a priest and had a good lesson. We visited more people after that. 

Saturday there was a little blizzard outside and Elder Parker was sick si we stayed in for a while and rested, then we helped a member set up the church for his mothers 103rd bday party. Later that day we had a good lesson, then after that we had a even better lesson that was filled with the spirit. 

Yesterday we finished up our video and had a great lesson with a family. 

Well it was a great week as always, Im having the time of my life out here and In glad to be apart of the most fullfilling thing Ive ever done, inviting others to come unto Christ!

Ps: my email address is changing to tomorrow


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