North Boise, Grandmas basement, aliens in disguise

Great week! It was full of different things. 

Tuesday we did service at idaho youth ranch and sorted clothes. Then a member drove us to big bun and got us lunch. Then we did some family history work. Then we taught a lady about how to quit smoking. Then we met a family who had just moved in and started teaching them and we had a great disscussion with them Tuesday. Then we got our transfer calls. Sadly I had to leave my good old pal Elder Parker. But now I'm with Elder Morgan whos originally from Ukraine which is pretty cool. 

Wednesday was full of goodbyes, and a member bought us tacobell. We also had a good lesson with a girl whos getting baptized next month. I said goodbye to a good friend of mine whom Ive fasted and prayed for that he would reach out to the bishop for help with some things and he finally did it...after 6 months! So right after we left the bishop came to his house. Hard work pays off! Wednesday night we couldnt sleep, and I got a cold too. 

We got a ride to our mission office then I went to my new area with Elder Morgan which is now In North Boise, right next to my 1st area haha. We live with an older lady whom i call my grandma, and shes super nice and washes our dishes. We get to live in her basement. In only a few hours we found a family who wants to come back to church, and talked to a bunch of people. 

Friday we planned for the week, then we got the big news we can videocall our familys on Pdays. Then we biked to a lesson and on the way we talked to an older man and then he fell on me and I caught him. After that we had a great lesson with a guy. Then we had another lesson and the guy wasnt there. We tried more people, then we went to a house with schizophrenic people (same one where all the schitz people in my first area come from) and we talked to the caretaker there and all the sudden she told us how hard her life was and how she felt like she was going crazy herself. We told her about how through Christ we can have true peace. We had another good lesson that night. 

Saturday we met a man whos convinced every christian is actually fooled because Jesus Christ was an alien, and so was the prophet Moroni, and every other angel weve ever seen. He fixed up our bikes for us too. Then we biked to Garden City (which is in our area) and talked to more people. One guy told us next time we come, he will get his gun out. Then we met a columbian rapper who agreed to having us come over again. Then we taught a veteran back in Boise. Then we played our Saturday night game if basketball with some people who were trying to help get back to church. 

Sunday we had 4 people come to church which was awesome. Acter church we visited some people and had an appointment fall through. We had a way god dinner of some salmon. 

Yesterday Grandmas son came over and we found out in his 8th cousin. Then we spent the day visiting people whom we werent sure if they lived at there house or not. We went to Garden city and tried more people, then we went to a members house and got fed popcorn. Good week! 

Its been interesting adjusting to a new area after 6 months in amity, but change is good and we grow from trials! Love you all!


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