
Showing posts from October, 2018

Busy Busy Busy

This past week has been amazing.  Monday we started with some soccer and that night we chased a lost rottweiler. Then we tore out a mans fence for him and picked apples. Earlier in the week we had "exchanges" and once again I was with my 1st companion/trainer so that was fun. We drove around and taught some good lessons, I learn alot from that little man. Helped a family move a huge bed too.  Later in the week 4 of us helped that same family move things from a storage shed to a U Haul truck. This week we had plenty of good lessons and we have (with the help of our Heavenly Father and church members) found more people to teach so thats been fun.  Me and Elder Shultis are very unified in our teaching so that has been good. We get along very well so thats always a plus.  Went to yet another halloween party for one of the wards were over, had a baptism for a girl we teach.  Yesterday we had some back to back awesome lessons too.  You really do learn h...

Chased a pig, played volleyball, baptism soon

Good week this week, me and Elder Shultis have been putting in work.  We played volleyball monday with our district which was fun.  One of the people we teach is getting baptized this saturday so thats exciting. She is a funny girl, she was saying the closing prayer and after said "I stopped to think about what I was thinking about, but realized I wasnt thinking at all" haha.  taught some other kids that night too. We chased a pig that was running around where we live to help out the family chasing it, after 45 minutes we got it.  Met a free mason which was cool. We had an appointment with a pastor we see and our born again christian buddy so that was cool. A member took us to a place we call the "woodhood" and we found a woman who we were able to set an appointment with.  We saw another man who previously once told us he would read a little of the Book of Mormon then make sure we got it back but once we saw him again he wanted to keep it.  Went...

Trio for a day

Well it has been an amazing week as always, Buried Elder Wagner in corn last week too.  We had transfers and once again I am training a new missionary. Hes an awesome man named Elder Shultis and man he is amazing at just loving the people and teaching. We were a trio for one day then an Elder in our mission went home so Elder Wagner left to be his companion. On companion #5 in 6 months now.  We talked to a decent amount of people this week and taught a lot. Its been amazing to see the different ways our Heavenly Fathers hand is in our lives. It has been awesome to find more people to teach and simply just befriend and help with whatevere they need.  "whoseover shall lose their life for my sake shall find it".  Love you all, stay on the good path, love all your neighbors, adios -- From Elder Jensen

Sheep to Shepherd

Well this week the missionary I helped train and was companions with several weeks ago just got called to go to Vancouver Washington so that was awesone! Other then that nothing too crazy happened. No stray dogs, ghosts or UFOs. But one thing that was amazing is yesterday we heard from some Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ speak on many different topics. We will be having two hour church starting January which is exciting. Another topic that was mentioned many times is the fact that we are all Christs "sheep"and we are also" shepherds". Sometimes we wonder off the path of peace, faith and Repentance and do whatever we want in life. But our shepherd, Jesus Christ, is always waiting and pointing us to the right direction. But he will never force us. Once we have come back to the fold of sheep we then become shepherds in a sense and invite other lost sheep to join the fold. If we truly love Christ we will do our best to help bring others to him. " He saith unto h...

Ghost, Huskie, and Hiking

It's been a good week! A few interesting things happened, we scheduled some baptismal dates for a few people we teach which is very exciting.  Today we hiked up table rock (my second time now) for our activity so that was fun. Did lots of service too this week. Helped a man move furniture and put away his blow up pool. Helped a family move their furniture out of their apartment, and helped a member of the church scrape some paint off his floor. Ate pizza and listened to a injured veteran tell us about his life story and how he has come to know our savior Jesus Christ better.  We also were able to have our zone conference (when many missionaries get together for a meeting that lasts almost all day) which was great. Learned lots that I can apply to my mission and my life. Then we had a zone olympics where we did a push up, jump rope, sit up, shooting hoops, bicep curls, sprinting and volleyball competition with another zone (another group of missionaries) so that was way fun...