Busy Busy Busy

This past week has been amazing. 

Monday we started with some soccer and that night we chased a lost rottweiler. Then we tore out a mans fence for him and picked apples. Earlier in the week we had "exchanges" and once again I was with my 1st companion/trainer so that was fun. We drove around and taught some good lessons, I learn alot from that little man. Helped a family move a huge bed too. 

Later in the week 4 of us helped that same family move things from a storage shed to a U Haul truck. This week we had plenty of good lessons and we have (with the help of our Heavenly Father and church members) found more people to teach so thats been fun. 

Me and Elder Shultis are very unified in our teaching so that has been good. We get along very well so thats always a plus. 

Went to yet another halloween party for one of the wards were over, had a baptism for a girl we teach. Yesterday we had some back to back awesome lessons too. 

You really do learn how to enjoy the mission but also get the work done efficiently too. This can be applied to our lives too. Yeah life is a wild and difficult journey but theres no need to go through this journey without joy. 

I love you all and pray for many of you. Keep having joy!  


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