Trio for a day

Well it has been an amazing week as always, Buried Elder Wagner in corn last week too. 

We had transfers and once again I am training a new missionary. Hes an awesome man named Elder Shultis and man he is amazing at just loving the people and teaching. We were a trio for one day then an Elder in our mission went home so Elder Wagner left to be his companion. On companion #5 in 6 months now. 

We talked to a decent amount of people this week and taught a lot. Its been amazing to see the different ways our Heavenly Fathers hand is in our lives. It has been awesome to find more people to teach and simply just befriend and help with whatevere they need. 

"whoseover shall lose their life for my sake shall find it". 

Love you all, stay on the good path, love all your neighbors, adios

From Elder Jensen


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