
Showing posts from September, 2018

Progressing Slowly but Surely

It's been a great week, met lots of people and got a lot done!  We found some new people to teach and now have chosen to be baptized in the coming weeks which is exciting. Keeps us very joyful out here.  Met lots of people with interesting stories too. Talked to one man who heard voices and tried shooting himself in the face with a shotgun :( but evidently god still needs him here. Met another guy whos had a liver and kidney transplant. Met a pastor and discussed the bible with him for a while.  We also did some service at the Idaho Youth Ranch store, had exchanges (switch out companions for about a day) and I actually got to be with Elder Thompson, the missionary who trained me a few months ago which was fun, I always learn lots from that little man.  We found many people and had prayers answered almost immediately. One of the people we used to teach told us he was no longer interested but on that same day we taught a refugee family from Tanzania. We also we...

Learning about Hinduism and helping people move

Well it has been a good week here in Amity.  We were able to stay fairly busy and see lots of members and people who could be interested in the church. One woman we teach had to leave her apartment so we helped move lots of furniture and what not out of her place because her family no longer trusted her, so we showed up with another church member helped her out.  We were able to have a good visit with the one other guy we teach. Other then that nothing much has happened this week.  Got a flat tire Saturday and another flat tire this morning from all the annoying "goatheads" around here. Elder Wagner has gotten 5 flats since Ive gotten here haha.  We talked to a Hindu family the other night and talked about our different and similair beliefs which was pretty cool.  Its been also cool to see the power of the Atonement (The fact that Jesus Christ paid for our sins for us to be able to repent and change) in peoples lives and my own. It really is an amazing...

Week 2 in Amity

Was a good week, met lots of interesting people in this area. Not too many people that are interested in the gospel, but just more people who have cool stories and are good to talk to.  We have one guy that we are teaching that is pretty interested in the gospel, one lady who was preparing for baptism moved away, so now were out looking for more people to teach.  Elder Wagner is one funny dude and has had me laughing so hard lately that the rice I eat goes out my nose haha.  Met one refugee this week who was drinking his wine and sitting on his brand new Chrysler who was saying "I know all of you mormons are rich, dont event try to play games with me" haha. Met another guy one night who was pretty drunk who BBQd us some chicken and Steak and started yelling at his neighbors. Nothing else too crazy happened this week, just getting to know the people around here and trying to find people that are accepting of the gospel.  It has been an interesting change compa...

Transferred to Amity (South Boise)

Well I left a awesome area that I will definitely miss. Lots of great people.  Im now serving in Amity which is an area on the south end of Boise. Its a richer area which actually kind of makes it more tough because usually when people have money, and cars, and boats and feel "secure" they dont have a huge desire to search for Christ and find joy. But we still have some people down here who are willing to be taught which is awesome.  My new companion Elder Wagner is a great dude from Gilbert AZ. Hes super funny too.  This past week didnt have anything too special other then saying goodbye to all the people I got to know in my last area. Back on Wednesday we said goodbye to over 30+ people, and taught a few people, and had to put a bike that we had borrowed (thought it was given to us but wasnt) in 24 hours so it made to be one of the busisest days of my whole mission so far.  You dont realize how amazing some people are that you live around until you leave th...