Transferred to Amity (South Boise)

Well I left a awesome area that I will definitely miss. Lots of great people. 

Im now serving in Amity which is an area on the south end of Boise. Its a richer area which actually kind of makes it more tough because usually when people have money, and cars, and boats and feel "secure" they dont have a huge desire to search for Christ and find joy. But we still have some people down here who are willing to be taught which is awesome. 

My new companion Elder Wagner is a great dude from Gilbert AZ. Hes super funny too. 

This past week didnt have anything too special other then saying goodbye to all the people I got to know in my last area. Back on Wednesday we said goodbye to over 30+ people, and taught a few people, and had to put a bike that we had borrowed (thought it was given to us but wasnt) in 24 hours so it made to be one of the busisest days of my whole mission so far. 

You dont realize how amazing some people are that you live around until you leave them, but its good to be where i am now to serve more of gods children. Im also no longer a district leader so its pretty nice haha. Ive learned lots this week from different people and seeing different things. 

You learn a lot more when you spend all your time for other people. One lesson I have learned more and more as I live longer is that we are really all gods children and we are all in this journey of mortal life together. Theres one way to real peace and joy and that is through Jesus Christ. I appreciate and love you all, god bless! For those of you who have Facebook feel free to contact me for more information about our Saviors Gospel.

Almost 5 months out!

Cant believe I have already been out this long. Ive learned so much yet still have tons more to learn. But thats just life. 

It has been awesome in our area, we found another refugee to teach, cleaned out our toilets with pepsi, had exchanges with our Zone leaders which was pretty fun. It was my first 24 hours out of my area I have had so far so it was different but fun. 

We did a bunch of service this past week too and helped out lots of people. Cleaned out a garage, trimmed a mans bushes, went to idaho youth ranch, went to international rescue committee too. 

Elder Morris has been learning more and more and he is an awesome missionary. We have transfers (when we may or may not go to another area) and I really hope I dont leave. Pretty sure I wont but you never know. 

That was about it this week, just seeing many people,teaching and helping people about following our savior. It really is a joyful time doing this great work. With gods help we can do really anything and more! God bless!


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