Learning about Hinduism and helping people move

Well it has been a good week here in Amity. 

We were able to stay fairly busy and see lots of members and people who could be interested in the church. One woman we teach had to leave her apartment so we helped move lots of furniture and what not out of her place because her family no longer trusted her, so we showed up with another church member helped her out. 

We were able to have a good visit with the one other guy we teach. Other then that nothing much has happened this week. 

Got a flat tire Saturday and another flat tire this morning from all the annoying "goatheads" around here. Elder Wagner has gotten 5 flats since Ive gotten here haha. 

We talked to a Hindu family the other night and talked about our different and similair beliefs which was pretty cool. 

Its been also cool to see the power of the Atonement (The fact that Jesus Christ paid for our sins for us to be able to repent and change) in peoples lives and my own. It really is an amazing thing to know that we can always keep striving to do our best and even if we fall short we can know we have our Savior to figuratively lift us. 

Ive seen the effects of Christ's gospel and many people now and the outocome is amazing. I love you all and God bless!


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