Week 2 in Amity
Was a good week, met lots of interesting people in this area. Not too many people that are interested in the gospel, but just more people who have cool stories and are good to talk to.
We have one guy that we are teaching that is pretty interested in the gospel, one lady who was preparing for baptism moved away, so now were out looking for more people to teach.
Elder Wagner is one funny dude and has had me laughing so hard lately that the rice I eat goes out my nose haha.
Met one refugee this week who was drinking his wine and sitting on his brand new Chrysler who was saying "I know all of you mormons are rich, dont event try to play games with me" haha. Met another guy one night who was pretty drunk who BBQd us some chicken and Steak and started yelling at his neighbors. Nothing else too crazy happened this week, just getting to know the people around here and trying to find people that are accepting of the gospel.
It has been an interesting change compared to my last very very busy area.
But living the gospel and following my savior has blessed me and continues to bless me every day I serve our fellow brothers and sisters.
I love you all! If any of you have questions regarding what we teach and believe and do, email me at jensen.thomas@mormon.org or message me on Facebook at "TJ Jensen". Heres some pictures when me and Elder Wagner started in a nerf war...
We have one guy that we are teaching that is pretty interested in the gospel, one lady who was preparing for baptism moved away, so now were out looking for more people to teach.
Elder Wagner is one funny dude and has had me laughing so hard lately that the rice I eat goes out my nose haha.
Met one refugee this week who was drinking his wine and sitting on his brand new Chrysler who was saying "I know all of you mormons are rich, dont event try to play games with me" haha. Met another guy one night who was pretty drunk who BBQd us some chicken and Steak and started yelling at his neighbors. Nothing else too crazy happened this week, just getting to know the people around here and trying to find people that are accepting of the gospel.
It has been an interesting change compared to my last very very busy area.
But living the gospel and following my savior has blessed me and continues to bless me every day I serve our fellow brothers and sisters.
I love you all! If any of you have questions regarding what we teach and believe and do, email me at jensen.thomas@mormon.org or message me on Facebook at "TJ Jensen". Heres some pictures when me and Elder Wagner started in a nerf war...
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