Staying in North Boise, about to be out a year

This past week was full of adventures. Its crazy how much different stuff can happen in one week

Monday: a member i know from amity drove us to idaho pizza company which was awesome. Had a BBQ with some other missionaries and Elder Morgan got us some ukranian soda. Monday night we taught our columbian friend about Jesus Christ. 

Tuesday: had exchanges and i got to ride around in a mini van with another Missionary. We spent the day in Garden city talking to people and we explored a basement in the church building. Then that night me and a guy from the ward visited some people. Then we got our transfer calls and me and Elder Morgan are staying.

Wednesday: had breakfast with a recent convert at Carls Jr. Then we packed food at the food bank and we scared a lady that works there with some spiders we had caught. Then that evening we went to visit a lady who wasn't doing good so we reassured her everything in her life would be okay, her only son was incarcerated and had been for months and wasnt doing well in there. She also hadn't eaten in days so we got her sone food. Then friday he was released. 

Thursday: we helped a lady pull out her blackberry plants in her backyard. Then later that day we were biking and i saw this couple at the intersection. I said "hey guys what you up to" then the light turned green and they looked at me and said "crossing the street, bye" then a car drove through the light in front of them and the man had to grab the woman out of the way. The car didn't even stop. If I hadn't said anything they would have gotten hit. 

Friday: we biked around Garden city and talked to people. That evening we ate subs with a family then they let us play around with some of their instruments. That night we were able to give a lady a blessing. 

Saturday: we went to a church brunch and helped then take everything down. Then we helped a lady clean off her front porch and her yard, she cant drive to her work so we fixed up her bike for her so she can use it. I spoke at some baptisms of a bunch of 8 year olds about being baptized and the Holy Ghost. Then we got to watch a man with one leg baptize his triplets. 

Sunday: we had a great time at church. Our columbian friend came to church too. I carved my name in this piece of wood and sanded it down and it looks good for the first thing ive ever chiseled on wood. We talked to about 20 people and we are gonna start teaching a kid. We also met a rapper from utah

All sorts of stuff this week. Theres nothing better then spending my time in the service of others, its been a blast. Cant believe Im also about to be out a whole year! It flys by. Love you all. Keep up the positive attitudes. Also a Missionary told me this quote "theres no growth in the comfort zone and theres no comfort in the growth zone"


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