Service Filled week

I had a good week up here in Boise. We did lots of service and its only taught me more about Jesus Christs selfless example for all of us. 

Monday evening we helped an older couple cut up wood and take out a tree. 

Tuesday we went to the food bank and filed papers. Then we dropped off some food for a lady we see that couldnt afford food this week. Then we went to an italian ladys house and raked her lawn for her. That night we visited a lady coming back to church and taught her about Repentance. 

Wednesday we had a zone conference and we had "zone games" where we did a bunch of activities like an obstacle course, shooting hoops, and playing volleyball which was really fun. I also got to see 3 of my past companions there. 

Thursday i saw a guy that went to high school with my grandpa which was interesting. That evening we went to our Book of Mormon class and we had good conversations about the gospel. 

Friday we had exchanges and we had a good time. We mowed a lawn, a big piece of wood fell over and barely missed my head. Talked to a family from Malaysia, had 2 appointments cancel. 

Saturday we did 7 hours of service straight. Moved boxes for people and did lots of yard work. Then we had 2 appointments that went well. 

Sunday we had church and we spoke in one of our wards. Both me and Elder Morgan spoke about Missionary work. Then we had a good discussion with a boy in the evening and answered questions his father had about the gospel. 

Well that was the week this week. Always a good time spreading the good news. Remember the Holy Ghost is what we should all try our best to have with us, if we can do that then we will know truth and error and we will be open to more revelation. Have agood week everyone!


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