
Showing posts from April, 2019

Service Filled week

I had a good week up here in Boise. We did lots of service and its only taught me more about Jesus Christs selfless example for all of us.  Monday evening we helped an older couple cut up wood and take out a tree.  Tuesday we went to the food bank and filed papers. Then we dropped off some food for a lady we see that couldnt afford food this week. Then we went to an italian ladys house and raked her lawn for her. That night we visited a lady coming back to church and taught her about Repentance.  Wednesday we had a zone conference and we had "zone games" where we did a bunch of activities like an obstacle course, shooting hoops, and playing volleyball which was really fun. I also got to see 3 of my past companions there.  Thursday i saw a guy that went to high school with my grandpa which was interesting. That evening we went to our Book of Mormon class and we had good conversations about the gospel.  Friday we had exchanges and we had a good time. We ...


It was a good week!  Tuesday we did some service for an older couple, they kept telling us to do different things at once so we practiced patience with them. At the end the man started filling out a check for us to go get food and i told him we dont accept money and he told me to shutup so i guess that's that. That night we had a great lesson with a lady whos coming back to church.  Wednesday we helped at the food bank, then we biked to a familys house and shared with them John 16:4, then we went to a ladys house and taught her about the B.O.M. and Joseph Smith. That evening we biked to a familys house we are teaching and they said right before we answered the door they were talking about how they knew they needed to do better and repent so they can get baptized.  Thursday we cleaned up some of our place and we helped Grandma Estep fix up her mailbox.  Friday we exchanged with other missionaries and had a good council with some other missionaries, then we had...


Hey everyone! It was a good week.  Monday we went on a hike with other missionaries around garden city. That evening we taught a lady about the word of wisdom (keeping our bodies healthy).  Then we had exchanges and i worked with another Missionary. Our mission President called and let us know we cant play basketball on days other then Mondays, even if it helps us find people to teach. We biked around a lot and saw some people. We got handed a bag of food from some members. Then we visted a man who has been taught for years and never got baptized because he fears when he dies that is it. After that we had another great visit with a lady who is starting to come back to church.  Wednesday we helped out at the food bank and i was blessed with a big amount of free food. That evening we visited a couple and the woman there was really rude but we were able to share a message then go. Then we got to be taste testers for a youth activity.  Thursday a girl we taught w...


I have made it a year out on the mission here in Boise! Crazy how time flies. We had a good week this week. Everything we did this week was centered on General conference. General conference (for all my friends who get this that dont know what that is) is where the Prophet, Apostles, some of the Seventy, and other servants of God speak about the Savior and about what we can all do to get through our crazy lives and have joy.  Tuesday we had a council with our District about our goals for inviting people to watch it and someone brought some glasses and hats for their birthday which was fun. Then we invited about 15 people to watch general conference.  Wednesday we were able to invite 32 people to watch it and we had a great appointment with a girl who will probably get baptized in the next few months.  Thursday we planned, and invited 70 people to watch general conference which took lots of biking and work.  Friday we went as hard as possible and invited 190 p...

Staying in North Boise, about to be out a year

This past week was full of adventures. Its crazy how much different stuff can happen in one week Monday: a member i know from amity drove us to idaho pizza company which was awesome. Had a BBQ with some other missionaries and Elder Morgan got us some ukranian soda. Monday night we taught our columbian friend about Jesus Christ.  Tuesday: had exchanges and i got to ride around in a mini van with another Missionary. We spent the day in Garden city talking to people and we explored a basement in the church building. Then that night me and a guy from the ward visited some people. Then we got our transfer calls and me and Elder Morgan are staying. Wednesday: had breakfast with a recent convert at Carls Jr. Then we packed food at the food bank and we scared a lady that works there with some spiders we had caught. Then that evening we went to visit a lady who wasn't doing good so we reassured her everything in her life would be okay, her only son was incarcerated and had been ...