Christmas, Temporary Trio

Its been quite the week. So we had a good christmas Tuesday and I got to call the family which was great. Ate a bunch of food and we caroled with some other missionaries that night too which was fun. Nothing much happened from Christmas to Thursday. 

Elder Allen finished his mission and left this morning, then as of last night I joined some other missionaries to make a trio. So Im not even in my area but Im in another one, so its pretty interesting. 

I also talked in Church yesterday about the Atonement (The mission Christ had in paying for our sins and making it possible to live with our Father in Heaven again) and that was pretty great. Ive realized I love talking about the gospel with pretty much anyone. 

The mission is the life, Its super joyful. It can be tough at times but its worth it. Love you all, Follow our savior, stay positive!


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