White Christmas!

Well I forgot to look at my journal to see what all happened this week, but what I can remember is that it went well. 

I had a stomach bug that was messing with my bowels for a couple days so that wasn't too fun but it didn't stop us from working. 

We had some great lessons this week, it snowed on Saturday night through Sunday so that was awesome. Since Elder Allen is from Florida and me from Mesa, snow made the day pretty fun. We had snowball fights and made our first snowmen by the church. 

We have also been sharing a lot of Light The World cards with people which is great. Saturday morning we caroled at an old folks home which was awesome. We were caroling saturday and as we were switiching songs a old lady on her wheelchair came up to us and said something like "you guys have to get me out of here, my caretaker is so mean! Dont stop singing and dont leave me" haha we sang one more song then we left that building and we look back and this lady has her head and a hand through the blinds of a window and is pointing to us and waving her hand frantically for us to come back. We had to pretend we didnt see her haha, but she knew we saw her. It was so funny, kinda sad too.

Today we visited the old penitentiary which was fun. 

Thats about all I got, love all of you friends and family. Keep up the good work, follow Christ, he is the life, light and the way. 


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