Dogs, zone conference, hot chocolate
Great week this week, as far as actual missionary work it was as slow as last week. December has been very very slow but we still make sure to work and have fun. I got to spend a day with my trainer Elder Thompson, hes really good at talking and teaching. Found a new lady to teach and we were able to teach her but now shes out of town for a couple weeks. Me and Elder Allen helped a man fix his chimney cap, we were screwing it in and Elder Allen was laughing at something and farted like 5 times in a row so then we both started cracking up and the older gentlemen couldnt hear us and said "you guys are having way too much fun up there". We went caroling with the youth again wednesday, we all were out of tune but it was fun. Someone from my last area was driving by us while we were walking on the side of the road and we got to talk, him and his family are doing way better so it was awesome to see that. We helped a lady get a her lost dog back by just calling her name, then once she got her dog two more lost dogs ran over so we got 3 dogs back in place. Then right after that we visited a lady who had a teacup chihuahua that was pretty funny, ill send a video of it on here. Had a big meeting (zone conference) with all the missionaries in Boise which was great. Saturday we did a hot chocolate stand at a park which was great, talked to lot of people. Then we went caroling again too with some other missonaries, it was way fun and we caroled to people in our area. Merry Christmas everyone!
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