
Showing posts from December, 2018

Dogs, zone conference, hot chocolate

Great week this week, as far as actual missionary work it was as slow as last week. December has been very very slow but we still make sure to work and have fun. I got to spend a day with my trainer Elder Thompson, hes really good at talking and teaching. Found a new lady to teach and we were able to teach her but now shes out of town for a couple weeks. Me and Elder Allen helped a man fix his chimney cap, we were screwing it in and Elder Allen was laughing at something and farted like 5 times in a row so then we both started cracking up and the older gentlemen couldnt hear us and said "you guys are having way too much fun up there". We went caroling with the youth again wednesday, we all were out of tune but it was fun. Someone from my last area was driving by us while we were walking on the side of the road and we got to talk, him and his family are doing way better so it was awesome to see that. We helped a lady get a her lost dog back by just calling her name, then once s...

Fishing and Caroling

This week was good, we were a little more busy which was nice. We have many people to teach but they all have something thats slowing their progress down. We found one man who has been taught for years and years but has never gotten baptized.  Talked to many people this week too, something Ive really learned to do on the mission is talking to strangers. Its been a nice talent to develop.  We got to go caroling with some youth wednesday night which was fun, we let the younger guys go ding dong ditch everyone so they could open their doors and hear us singing, most people just shut their doors after 5 seconds haha. We met a guy who is a comedian and just having a regular conversation with him is pretty hilarious. We had a christmas party saturday morning and got to pass out more LTW cards with different service ideas written on them.  We also got to help an older man we teach set up his family history account, he was having trouble with his iphone then we actually had...

Fairly Reliable Bobs, eating good Peruvian food

This week was pretty slow, every single appointment except one we had fell through which wasnt great. That one appointment was with someone who Ive known for months and has progressed lots to be able to be baptized which is awesome.  handed out many many Light The World cards on the street and at Church. We got a call from a man who needed help putting up a huge christmas tree for someone, so we went there and it was actually the man who owns "Fairly Reliable Bobs" Christmas tree and house. He has a really nice view of part of Boise.  We went by a familys house who hadnt been to church in a good while and were surprised because they had just recently decided as a family they would be coming back Sunday.  At a dinner we ate some good Peruvian food, its alwasy exciting getting fed by people who are from out of country. A guy we visit pointed out that a zit I thought I had on my neck is actually a big spider bite, but im still standing. That was about it, nothing too c...

White Christmas!

Well I forgot to look at my journal to see what all happened this week, but what I can remember is that it went well.  I had a stomach bug that was messing with my bowels for a couple days so that wasn't too fun but it didn't stop us from working.  We had some great lessons this week, it snowed on Saturday night through Sunday so that was awesome. Since Elder Allen is from Florida and me from Mesa, snow made the day pretty fun. We had snowball fights and made our first snowmen by the church.  We have also been sharing a lot of Light The World cards with people which is great. Saturday morning we caroled at an old folks home which was awesome.  We were caroling saturday and as we were switiching songs a old lady on her wheelchair came up to us and said something like "you guys have to get me out of here, my caretaker is so mean! Dont stop singing and dont leave me" haha we sang one more song then we left that building and we look back and this lady has her head ...