"Its a man...a white man!"

This week has been awesome, today I celebrate surviving 20 years of living on planet earth so thats pretty sweet. 

We have a baptism coming up so that is joyful, keeps us busy too with planning. 

We were in a appointment teaching some younger kids and when they wouldnt behave we watched the mother whip them with a plastic sword to a halloween costume haha it was pretty hilarious. 

That day we were busy seeing many people and almost forgot the appointment until (while he was using the restroom) Elder Shultis says "we forgot about the (family we were gonna see)" so then we raced over and then when one of the kids we saw that night had to go to the restroom his mom said "You better think about the missionaries while you poop because they think about you!". 

Another night we were gonna go see this one lady in some apartments but knocked on the wrong door on the wrong building. It happened to be another lady from russia we needed to go see too so that was interesting. Halloween I woke up sick and we stayed in all morning, but I hate being sick so I took a bunch of dayquil and we got back to work. In the minute we walk outside there was a man having a rough time right outside our apartment so we talked to him and he said "man the last time i was going through a rough time missionaries like you knocked on my door, must be a sign or something". Nah nope signs dont exist, its all definitely pure coincidences that happen. Haha I have learned that theres no such thing as coincidence at this point. 

Before we headed in on Halloween a man we see regularly was having a BBQ so that was awesome. 

Found a few more lost dogs this week to return to owners too (thats a usual thing we do at this point, chase down pets). 

So it was a great week. Thanks for all the Bday emails, letters, and packages. I love you all, appreciate the support a lot. God bless!


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