Five Guys . . .
Been a great week this week! This morning we hiked up a trail called "Tablerock" which was sweet.
Monday-Got our bikes fixed up, replaced the frame, saw my boy Ken at the bike shop which was awesome, a family gave us a box of 30 Book of Mormons too.
Tuesday-Taught one family, helped a family move furniture, then we went to lunch with a return missionary who also happens to be my boy who served in Mesa and taught me many things, studied, then taught an older gentleman. Then we taught a boy who just got baptized, then we knocked some doors and found 2 more people to teach.
Wednesday-Lead my second district council and our mission president and his wife came in and we had interviews. Had lots of people not come through for appointments. Then we had a big good dinner and watched dogs for a women we teach. Then we taught another family about why Christ is important.
Thursday-Planned, did service at the warehouse, got a boy we teach to a church activity, then gave a lady a blessing, then taught a couple more people
Friday-Did more service for donations for refugees, then we taught a family, visited some more people, then went to five guys with a family, then we saw another family and taught them
Saturday-Morning sucked, so apparently I ate a burger with someone who didn't wash their hands so I spent the morning puking and pooping. Our medical guy made sure to emphasize "You did not get food poisoning, you ate poop. You ate poop!". So I was like "Yeah poop tatses great in a five guys burger". Then after a 2 hour nap we got up and we had a cool ward activity with some people that we have planned for a while. Got to teach people and help them learn how to invite others to come to Christ.
Sunday-Yesterday was busy busy busy as Sundays always are. Had meetings, church, teaching classes, studying, then appointments and a great lesson last night. We have 3 upcoming people that we will baptize hopefully sooner then later.
Other then Saturday this week was awesome. Its seriously always a good day as a missionary. Not easy really, but super joyful. Its so cool to see people go from "yeah this isnt true" to a few appointments later they say "god really did send you guys to me". Its been amazing to be really gods hands in the work he does on earth. I love you all and I do my best to pray for lots of you! Keep a positive attitude and keep doing great things! Heavenly Father is real, and watches over us all!
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