
Showing posts from August, 2018

Apostle Elder Redlund, dog treats, and a baptism!

Its been a awesome week! First off a man me and Elder Thompson, and now me and Elder Morris have been able to teach was baptized and given the Aronic Priesthood. It was super amazing and man was he so happy. His whole family was thrilled and the spirit was felt strongly. It was our first baptism we had ever coordinated but it went good and had lots of people there. We talked to a man who was in shock because his mother passed and we gave her a blessing only a week before she went to the other side. He assumed we knew she was about to die because of some things said in the blessing we were able to provide (god really tells us what to say so we rarely remember what we actually said) He was very speechless because this elderly women on the day before she passed, bathed herself, clothed herself (she was not able to do this for a long time) and walked around like she was a lot younger, then passed away in his arms. We bore our testimonies to him and sang hymns with him, he slowly but sure...

Arrested again...

Well we ran into some trouble and ended up in the back of a cop car....sike it was a church member who had just bought a retired crown vic and he drove us to dinner cuffed which was fun.  Week wasnt too crazy, but we have been working hard and have 3 people lined up for baptism this month which is awesome. Teaching lots of promising people who are ready to follow Christ.  One man we have been working with for a few months is getting baptized this weekend and it has been so awesome and a pleasure to be able to help direct him to recieve his answer on whether or not the Book of Mormon is the word of god or not.  Another amazing experience we had was a lady we talk to on the street a lot asked us a question and at first she said "no pastor, minister, or anybody else in my whole life so far has been able to answer this question" and she was looking right at me, but I knew theres one source that knows everything so I prayed in my head for the answer. She asked us after l...

Five Guys . . .

Been a great week this week! This morning we hiked up a trail called "Tablerock" which was sweet.  Monday-Got our bikes fixed up, replaced the frame, saw my boy Ken at the bike shop which was awesome, a family gave us a box of 30 Book of Mormons too.  Tuesday-Taught one family, helped a family move furniture, then we went to lunch with a return missionary who also happens to be my boy who served in Mesa and taught me many things, studied, then taught an older gentleman. Then we taught a boy who just got baptized, then we knocked some doors and found 2 more people to teach. Wednesday-Lead my second district council and our mission president and his wife came in and we had interviews. Had lots of people not come through for appointments. Then we had a big good dinner and watched dogs for a women we teach. Then we taught another family about why Christ is important.  Thursday-Planned, did service at the warehouse, got a boy we teach to a church activity, then ...