One transfer (6 weeks) down! Busy in Boise!
Been a great week this week, got tons of stuff done as always. Monday we played volleyball and some chair soccer with our district. Tuesday me and Elder Thompson started off the day with some studies at the church.
We felt prompted to bring 2 book of mormons with us to the church building. We brought them and while we studied 3 refugees from Kenya came up to the door, they needed directions and we helped them then we taught them about the book of mormon and they wanted not one book, but two.
Later that day we were making visits and we spotted a wiener dog running around. Work was going slow so we decided to follow it. As we were following the dog we thought of a boy we could go visit. A mile later this dog ran to the door of the boys house we were gonna go in. Then the boy opened the door and it happened to be his dog a mile away. Pretty interesting haha.
Then we aqgain felt like grabbing a book of mormon and carrying it with us which is not something we do alot. We made a visit to a lady who has never been interested in the church. Then when we got there she wanted us to read to her and then she wanted the copy we brought with us.
Then that night a former investigator from weeks ago texted us and now we have her scheduled to be baptized. We got transfer calls (transfers are when missionaries get areas switched around every 6 weeks) and me and Elder Thompson are staying here for another 6 weeks which is fine with me. Wednesday
we answered our strong catholic neighbors with their very deep questions, I shared with them my life experiences and you could feel the holy ghost in the room. When they replied to me they even spoke with the holy ghost too.
Our zone leaders came over and moved in with us since their apartment is getting painted. Very awesome. Thursday we started helping our zone leaders paint their apartment, first time painting walls so that was cool. Friday
we went to the refugee donations thing we usually go to called International Rescue Committee. We had a long meeting and I tried my best to keep my eyes open haha, meetings put me to sleep.
That afternoon we taught an investigator who shared with us lots of her life stories then told us she knew she had to get baptized and that she would only find true joy from gods commandments. Saturday
made lots of visits, lots of biking. We went to visit this one guy but he wasnt home. As we we were about to leave the area a less active church member saw us and was like "man i need to get back to church and get reactivated". Sunday
we had our new investigator come to church which was awesome. Our boy chris got word yesterday he could get baptized saturday so that got us very excited.
Our dinner appointments last night let us jump on their tramp so that was super fun.
All in all a great week. I saw lots of things Tuesday that could have been coincoidences but I truly believe they are not.
God puts the people we need to teach there for us. God answers all of us one way or another, and he is very much our Heavenly Father.
Love all of you, also those of you who are not members of the church and/or have questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you know who to email! God bless
We felt prompted to bring 2 book of mormons with us to the church building. We brought them and while we studied 3 refugees from Kenya came up to the door, they needed directions and we helped them then we taught them about the book of mormon and they wanted not one book, but two.
Later that day we were making visits and we spotted a wiener dog running around. Work was going slow so we decided to follow it. As we were following the dog we thought of a boy we could go visit. A mile later this dog ran to the door of the boys house we were gonna go in. Then the boy opened the door and it happened to be his dog a mile away. Pretty interesting haha.
Then we aqgain felt like grabbing a book of mormon and carrying it with us which is not something we do alot. We made a visit to a lady who has never been interested in the church. Then when we got there she wanted us to read to her and then she wanted the copy we brought with us.
Then that night a former investigator from weeks ago texted us and now we have her scheduled to be baptized. We got transfer calls (transfers are when missionaries get areas switched around every 6 weeks) and me and Elder Thompson are staying here for another 6 weeks which is fine with me. Wednesday
we answered our strong catholic neighbors with their very deep questions, I shared with them my life experiences and you could feel the holy ghost in the room. When they replied to me they even spoke with the holy ghost too.
Our zone leaders came over and moved in with us since their apartment is getting painted. Very awesome. Thursday we started helping our zone leaders paint their apartment, first time painting walls so that was cool. Friday
we went to the refugee donations thing we usually go to called International Rescue Committee. We had a long meeting and I tried my best to keep my eyes open haha, meetings put me to sleep.
That afternoon we taught an investigator who shared with us lots of her life stories then told us she knew she had to get baptized and that she would only find true joy from gods commandments. Saturday
made lots of visits, lots of biking. We went to visit this one guy but he wasnt home. As we we were about to leave the area a less active church member saw us and was like "man i need to get back to church and get reactivated". Sunday
we had our new investigator come to church which was awesome. Our boy chris got word yesterday he could get baptized saturday so that got us very excited.
Our dinner appointments last night let us jump on their tramp so that was super fun.
All in all a great week. I saw lots of things Tuesday that could have been coincoidences but I truly believe they are not.
God puts the people we need to teach there for us. God answers all of us one way or another, and he is very much our Heavenly Father.
Love all of you, also those of you who are not members of the church and/or have questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you know who to email! God bless
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