
Showing posts from June, 2018

3 weeks in one! - The Missing Emails

TJ must've had too many people in the outgoing email line because these emails didn't go out - here's 3 weeks' worth! Mission Tour! - June 4 Great week this week, like always. Last week on Wednesday we did lots of book work but got it all finished up.  Thursday we had a mission tour which is when one of the 70 (people chosen by apostles to help with the lords work) it was Elder Brian K. Taylor and he has taught us lots. Since Im the newest missionary on the Boise side of Idaho, Elder Brian K. Taylor liked to use me as an example of things.  That night we gave one of our investigators a priesthood blessing, which is always a great experience. Amazing how real priesthood power is.  Friday we did some service and helped out lots of african refugees with donations. Then that day we got another lady we teach on date for baptism which is sweet, taught another lady that night about having enough faith in christ to be able to quit smoking, the holy ghost was felt very ...

One transfer (6 weeks) down! Busy in Boise!

Been a great week this week, got tons of stuff done as always.  Monday  we played volleyball and some chair soccer with our district.  Tuesday  me and Elder Thompson started off the day with some studies at the church.  We felt prompted to bring 2 book of mormons with us to the church building. We brought them and while we studied 3 refugees from Kenya came up to the door, they needed directions and we helped them then we taught them about the book of mormon and they wanted not one book, but two.  Later that day we were making visits and we spotted a wiener dog running around. Work was going slow so we decided to follow it. As we were following the dog we thought of a boy we could go visit. A mile later this dog ran to the door of the boys house we were gonna go in. Then the boy opened the door and it happened to be his dog a mile away. Pretty interesting haha.  Then we aqgain felt like grabbing a book of mormon and carrying it with us which is n...