Week 4 (At the Missionary Training Center)


Super excited to say im finally leaving to boise idaho tomorrow. These 3 weeks have flew by and ive had a fun, and awesome experience here at the MTC. Ive had lots of cool experiences here and met so many great people from all over. My MTC district (group of 8 missionaries) are great people and i love them. Ive learned so much different stuff as far as inviting people to come closer to our savior Jesus Christ. Through him is the only way we will find true joy and happiness for eternity. This is something ive found out for myself an i just keep getting that reminder every day from god himself. He has a hand in all our lives. This week was filled with learning and lots of laughter. Visited the Provo Temple twice, we had some cool devotionals, me and my companion, Elder Nelson taught some missionaries about the creation of us and planet earth, and we taught about the fall of our first parents, adam and eve. Very cool, the Holy Ghost was strongly felt. me and Elder Nelson and our district were at the temple on sunday and the lady that took our picture actually served her mission in Boise too. We talked alot about the boise idaho mission. On saturday i ate some bad MTC food and let one rip in our class so we had to not only leave our room but the building, so we had a good little book of mormon read outside haha. Anyways all in all the MTC has been a wonderful time, but im way more stoked to go out in public as a representative of our savior and to not only be able to tell people about god ans christ, but to be able to assist anyone and everyone to come closer to them. Nice thing about Christs gospel is that no matter what we are going through, christ has not left us, and he will not leave us. He is always here for us with arms outstreteched. To all who get this email i invite you to listen to "missions are forever" by Jeffrey R. Holland on lds.org. He talks about us always being representatives of christ. Another video I recommend anyone watching is "Hope of Gods Light" (with Tom Sylvester) on LDS.org. Love you all! God bless!


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