Week 2 at the Missionary Training Center (MTC)
A lot happened this week, we heard one of the 70 (a high up church authority) named echo hawk talked to us last tuesday night which was pretty sweet.
Last week we taught 3 different people which was cool and got all of them progressing in the gospel one way or another. Now this week we got 3 new people. This week we teach an older lady and younger man. When me and Elder Nelson told the older lady how we actually got our promptings to serve missions she was like woah you guys have crazy stories haha.
Its gotten to the point where everyone in our district (group of 8 missionaries) is getting comfortable here so were all teaching, studying, working out, and just enjoying the MTC. Very stoked to leave in about a week though.
Its also been snowing here and its April but im not complaining. I rarely see snow so when we got up early to do service saturday morning and i saw snow it was awesome, we may or may not have had a snowball fight. Its even lightly snowing outside right now.
Last week my buddy Elder Harris's leg hurt and he thought he had a fracture, so me and him went to the front desk and we got to leave and go to urgent care. It was cool being out in public as a representative of Jesus Christ, being able to teach all the good stuff to anyone that is interested. But here in Provo everyone knows what a missionary is so nobody asked me anything. Turns out he didnt have a fracture so its all good.
Really our days here are filled with studying, teaching, eating tons, working out, meetings, devotionals and classes. And i think its pretty awesome.
Well thats about it this week, i bear my testimony to everyone who gets this email that God in fact lives, and so does our savior Jesus Christ, that little void in all of our souls will only be filled completely by the holy ghost, and gods love for us. I say these things in the name of our older brother and savior, Jesus Christ amen.
Love everyone, god bless you all. The second email I send out will have some pictures
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