
Showing posts from April, 2018

1st week in central Boise!

Jambo everyone!  Its been a busy past several days but very awesome. Picked up on some Swahili too. My new missionary trainer is Elder Thompson and hes a great little dude from Gilbert Arizona. Hes taught me a whole lot, and we have had the opportunity to teach many.  We do so much stuff  in one day  that its too much to put in my journal at nights. Theres lots of refugees here so that has been cool to teach them, very humble people. We did some service too and gave out donations, weve done tons of walking around our assigned area since we are currently bikeless since elder thompsons last companion moved to Rupert with our church and bike lock keys, but i dont mind walking and the heat here is nothing compared to mesa.  As a missionary you see and hear lots of interesting things. We get cussed at, yelled at, honked at, silent treatment, but its all good. Being a missionary out here in Boise is great. We have a few investigators that come to church with us,...

Week 4 (At the Missionary Training Center)

Image Super excited to say im finally leaving to boise idaho  tomorrow . These 3 weeks have flew by and ive had a fun, and awesome experience here at the MTC. Ive had lots of cool experiences here and met so many great people from all over. My MTC district (group of 8 missionaries) are great people and i love them. Ive learned so much different stuff as far as inviting people to come closer to our savior Jesus Christ. Through him is the only way we will find true joy and happiness for eternity. This is something ive found out for myself an i just keep getting that reminder every day from god himself. He has a hand in all our lives. This week was filled with learning and lots of laughter. Visited the Provo Temple twice, we had some cool devotionals, me and my companion, Elder Nelson taught some missionaries about the creation of us and planet earth, and we taught about the fall of our first parents, adam a...

Week 2 at the Missionary Training Center (MTC)

A lot happened this week, we heard one of the 70 (a high up church authority) named echo hawk talked to us last tuesday night which was pretty sweet. Last week we taught 3 different people which was cool and got all of them progressing in the gospel one way or another. Now this week we got 3 new people. This week we teach an older lady and younger man. When me and Elder Nelson told the older lady how we actually got our promptings to serve missions she was like woah you guys have crazy stories haha. Its gotten to the point where everyone in our district (group of 8 missionaries) is getting comfortable here so were all teaching, studying, working out, and just enjoying the MTC. Very stoked to leave in about a week though. Its also been snowing here and its April but im not complaining. I rarely see snow so when we got up early to do service saturday morning and i saw snow it was awesome, we may or may not have had a snowball fight. Its even lightly snowing outside right now. La...

On my 2nd week at the Provo MTC

Wow what a wild week it has been, first off I appreciate all the emails, got about 20 plus to respond too now haha. For those of you who do not know, my preparation day is Tuesdays here at the mtc. You learn TONS at the mtc in a really short amount of time.  The big thing to remember here is that as missionaries we represent our gracious savior, Jesus Christ. So the way we are taught to teach, is in the style of Christ.  We use questions to help people ponder the scriptures and apply it into their own life. This is what Christ did frequently in the new testament. Another big thing is to invite the Holy Ghost when we teach, because really its the holy ghost that does the real teaching. Missionaries do not convert, we invite others to come closer to their savior, this in turn helps people to act on faith and come closer to Jesus by deciding to follow the gospel and be baptized (Faith, the Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, recieving the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end)....