
Showing posts from September, 2019

we actually become something greater as we go through life

9/2: we played sports with a bunch of other missionaries. A member of the church from Mountain Home got us dinner at Tucanos which was great 9/3: Elder Nelson woke up sick. A member called and told us how we had "P day then Poo day". Since I didnt want to sit around all day me and one of the missionaries that lives with us went out. We had a good study/talk about how our heart needs to be in the right place as we follow Christ. It's useless just going through the motions. We volunteered at the Idaho Youth Ranch, then gave a lady a blessing.  9/4: Nothing crazy, just studied in the bible with one man we're teaching 9/5: After studying we got into our minivan and Elder Nelson tried turning the key and it wouldn't turn in the ignition. He tried a couple times and then I tried once and we were good to go. We helped a man move a bunch of rocks with buckets. Then that evening we helped a family move stuff from a storage shed.  9/6: Had a Council with so...

Blessings at Chic Fil A

Hey everyone, heres the highlights of this week: *Went to Featherville and hung out in a cabin that some members own and rent out so that was fun. We also visited a giant Crater North of Mountain home too which was fun  *Had a council in Boise, got food from my friends in Boise from the food bank which was nice. Spent 24 hours with another missionary and we had some good visits with people  *Went to chic fil a and i prayed someone would pay for our lunch and sure enough a man i know in Boise showed up right after and helped us all out  *We helped a friend out by putting in fence poles which was fun Nothing too crazy this week, time is sure flying! Keep following Christ everyone