
Showing posts from November, 2018

Staying in Boise!

Transfers came and went, my brazillian greenie Elder Shultis left to Twin Falls and I have a new companion who just came from Twin Falls. Hes pretty cool, likes to work hard too which is a plus. Im thankful Im staying here for at least part of the winter, this is the warmest city in our mission.  We had a pretty great week. Me and Elder Shultis found two more people to teach, and me and Elder Allen found a person last night. Finding people that are actually somewhat interested is pretty awesome.  With Light the world this year it has been fun spreading the joy of Christ through that. We had transfers on Thanksgiving too,  I was able to have 3 of my previous companions all in one place which was awesome. I had a temporary companion on Thanksgiving morning which was fun.  Weve been able to pass out over 100 Light The World pass along cards which was good. We also got multiple dinners thanksgiving dinners which was great.  My good family friends came up t...

Accidentally inhaling fumes at church

Well its been a great week,  for the first time in my mission we actually had nights where we set apart to tract (go door to door) it was fun but after 50-60 doors (over a few nights) we quit because nothing came out of it, but it was pretty fun. At one of the dors only a 2 year old opened the door which was interesting haha.  One day we were doing our studies in the church and we knew they were cleaning but didnt think much of it. So as we are watching church videos we start to laugh a bunch for a good 30 minutes, church videos really arent that funny, it also smelled like sharpies. So after a good while we finally were heading out the church and sure enough we see all this stuff in the air and we peek behind a corner and theres a man painting/polishing the baseboards wearing a oxygen mask. So we had to go outside and laugh for another 20 minutes and breathe oxygen.  Last night we found two more people to teach from Bhurma and Thailand, so thats cool. Few days ago w...

Baptism, homeless men coming to church

Hey everyone, had a pretty good week with some exciting events. Had a big meeting with many misisonaries Tuesday which was great learned lots, we started helping a man in our area quit smoking ciggarettes so thats been fun,  at one point this last week I woke up to use the bathroom then my half asleep brain thought it was 6:30am so I turned on the lights and said my morning prayers then got Elder Shultis up but then he got mad once he looked at his watch haha.  Had a visit with a church member who doesnt make it to church and we disscussed Christ and what hes done for us and he broke into tears and pointed to a picture of Christ on his wall and said "He told me to let you guys in today, and now I have been blessed", way cool.  We were walking towards some apartments one night to go see some people and a partially clothed prostitute ran out from behind some bushes which was interesting. At church on Sunday a homeless man came in and we talked to him about our beliefs...

"Its a man...a white man!"

This week has been awesome, today I celebrate surviving 20 years of living on planet earth so thats pretty sweet.  We have a baptism coming up so that is joyful, keeps us busy too with planning.  We were in a appointment teaching some younger kids and when they wouldnt behave we watched the mother whip them with a plastic sword to a halloween costume haha it was pretty hilarious.  That day we were busy seeing many people and almost forgot the appointment until (while he was using the restroom) Elder Shultis says "we forgot about the (family we were gonna see)" so then we raced over and then when one of the kids we saw that night had to go to the restroom his mom said "You better think about the missionaries while you poop because they think about you!".  Another night we were gonna go see this one lady in some apartments but knocked on the wrong door on the wrong building. It happened to be another lady from russia we needed to go see too so that was interes...